Edward's Online Reality

X-Treme: Episode 13

Edward's Playlist

Patrick rubbing up on Jillian. Patrick and Jillian sleeping together. Then the streak starts with them sweating their asses off. Which probably sucked. They get a a text message. Derrick drinks all night. Nick says Derrick likes to be a drunk drama queen. Angela says Derrick shouldn't change his personality when he's drunk. He says he was in love before. Angela says Derrick is a lost sole that needs to stop drinking. They meet the South Pacific cast members. Marybeth is single. Patrick and Jillian say they've slept together. Tina is shocked as hell. They get to go to face off island. The team with the most points at the end of the two days wins $20,000. They each need to run a mile. Derrick and Abram start. Tina starts yelling like the crazy girl she is. Abram finishes and now Tina is up. Derrick is so far behind, it's hilarious.

Angela is second. Angela passes Tina. Tina says her tummy is bouncing up and down. Jillian and Cara are going. Now Chris and Nick. Jodi is up now. Marybeth is up now. Patrikc finishes it up. X-Treme wins the first thing. Chris starts flirting with Angela. Now he's engaged. Angela wants Chris to help Derrick. The next game contains two chickens. They have to raise a chicken over their heads. Abram vs. Patrick first. Tina vs. Jodi. Jodi called her a bitch. Angela vs. Cara. Jillian vs. Marybeth. Dave vs. Derrick. Chris vs. Nick. Come on Chris, win for a change.

X-Treme wins again. They have 20 to South Pacific has 0. Chris decides to talk to Derrick. Chris tells him he lived that life. Chris tells Derrick his story and Derrick relates to what he's saying. He wants to fix the situation. They need to break wood. Dave beats Patrick. By a second or two. Abram beats Derrick. Tina beats Jodi by like 3 seconds. Angela kills Cara. Ncik finishes before Cara. Jillian finishes before Cara. Tina is pissed they haven't won shit. It would have been the same to me. It's now 30 to jack. Derrick doesn't want to drink. It's about time, drunky. Marybeth dances with Patrick. He doesn't give a shit about Jillian. She's such a jealous bitch.