Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Preview Special

Edward's Playlist

The crazy ass missions and shit. Look at the shit from last season. Then the final mission shit. The guys looking at the shit. The boys cheating to win. Oh goodie. Ayanna and Cameran calling the guys bitches. Ellen and Dan talking about the girls drama. Dan says everybody goes in and says they'll play fair. Ellen says playing fair is out of the question. Ruthie says the bottom is very black and white. Mark says that's why there was never a problem. Veronica and Emily put people against each other. Ellen says James is the reason why Veronica is hated. Tonya said it sucked about the hating. Mark said everybody was volunerable when Rachel went. Ellen said she couldn't think of anything better. Dan says it was entirely personal. Ellen says bye to Rachel. Ellen says the boys cheated. Mike says it's the girls fault. Ruthie says the girls would have won. Mark says unless you get caught you're not cheating. Mark says he's smarter than the girls. Robin says they had to look back. Katie says she would have copied and laughed. Nwo the future. Theo says the voting is crazy. They need three leaders. Leaders vote somebody from the pot off if they lose. Players vote off leaders if they lose. Katie says it's friendship. It's big old asskissing. This is fucking insane.

These missions look insane. Tonya says it's crazy. Theo says they're all crazy. Theo said they all put on crazy shorts. Ruthie says she doesn't want to underestimate people. Mike says being veterans could help and hurt. Katie says she wants to rap up the new kids. Dan talks about the San Diego kids. Dan says Brad may have a sober time. Robin starts cursing. She's athletic. Katie says her and Robin will work well together. Robin is scared of some of these girls. Shane says Cameran will probably be trouble. Dan says she won't be any good. Ellen says she may make friends. Shane says BRad and Randy will be competition. Shane says Ace just wants to party. Tonya says she can't rate the Road Rules team. Derrick and Kina are fighting sorta. Derrick is being a fucking drunk for a change. Tonay says they're easy kickoffs. Shane says the olders are some of the best. Eric and Mark are back and old. Dan says get jobs. Katie says Mike may not be as tough. Coral and Mike are fighting. Robin says Coral will be one to watch. Dan says she's scary. Eric and Coral are fighting. Ellen loves Ayanna. She says if she was calm she would go far. Dan makes fun of Ellen. Katie and Veronica fighting. From the Inferno. Katie hates Veronica. She wants to let things go. Shane sees one of them going. Dan says why do people think Veronica is gonna be fair? It's so fucking true.

Tina says be honest. She says no bullshit. Robin says no drama. Robin says it'll be shouting matches. Robin says let the games begin. Shane says bring it on. Ruthie falls into the drama. Tonya says it's live entertainment. Everybody is dancing with each other. Hookups make you last longer. Mike says no hooking up because they won't last. Theo says there are 36 breasts. Shane says there are loads of hot people. Robin says there are 18 guys. Tonya says it brings in conflict. Shane says Tonya is the most sexually open. Katie says Tonya will hook up with somebody. Arissa's married. Angela may hook up although she calls her boyfriend, Shane wants a gay person. Theo says he can get all the girls. Dan wants Tonya's boobs. Mark is divorced. He says Robin is there. Mike tells Katie she's going to lose. Tina calls some bitch out. Robin says it's against the girls. Coral and Arissa playfight. Angela and Sophia are talking. Katie says the girls may have a chance. Katie says she's not the strongest. Mark says they'll win every mission. Theo says all the karate shit don't matter.