Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Episode 04

Edward's Playlist

Coral and Abram getting romantic was great.  Guys winning the third mission.  Kina and Adam were voted off.  Ayanna rants about things from the past.  Ayanna flipping out on Christian.  Aneesa says it's love. Ayanna tells Aneesa how she loves her.  Coral talks about Abram.  Abram just sees beauty in Coral.  Coral thinks he brings out more positively.  Tonya says she's gotta bust ass.  She already has two DQ's.  Poor bitch.  It's eating shit.  They get to eat random shit.  There are 7 rounds.  The more times you win.  The more puzzle pieces you get.  Mark, Steven and Chris decide to lead.  Coral, Sophia and and Ayanna are leading.  Ayanna says leading is an act of god.  Cynthia and Sophia are against Brad and Shawn.  This should be crazy. 
That's fucking nasty as hell.  Brad says it's so intense.  Girls get  shot.  Dan and Frank beat the girls.  Veronica and Rachel lose to Steven.  Aneesa and Tonya beat the guys.  Ibis and Ruthie downed butter.  Shane and Randy beat Katie and Arissa.  Angela and Ayanna versus Abram and Nick.  Abram puked and the girls won.  Tina battles Eric at the end.  The guys have more people so it's more likely they'll win.  Angela and Ibis are cursing each other out.  Ayanna says chaos is erupting.  The guys win, yet again.  Ibis says she had it but nobody listened to her.  Coral says Ayanna can't take criticism.  Coral says Ayanna screwed everybody's mind up.  Chris says Abram and Mike.  Steven says Abram was over zealous.  Mike thinkshis ass is on the line.  Abram knows that his ass is on the line.  Ayanna says Ayanna yelling and confusing everybody.  Tonya says she doesn't want that type of leadership.  Ibis votes for Ayanna.  Aneesa says she'll take the heat for the team.  All three guys come up.  Oh fuck you, MTV.  No damn fucking cliffhangers.
Abram is going home.  Coral is so fucking shocked.  Aneesa goes up and says Ayanna's gonna go.  Ayanna says nobody stepped up today.  Rachel says that Ayanna is a time bomb.  Ayanna takes her cardboard self.  Ayanna and Aneesa start fighting.  Aneesa says she doesn't want to talk to air.  Ayanna starts to fucking flip out.  Aneesa says it sucks but it was right.  Ayanna says don't call her. Abram and Coral are upset.  Coral says Abram would be the person she would most want to keep.  Abram says he likes spending time with her.  It's all fucking sad.