Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Episode 08

Edward's Playlist

Katie and the new girls team up against the oldies. Guys win again. Mike and Rachel are gone. Veronica says they'll go home because she's still around. That bitch does have lots oc clout. Chris is getting married and the team throws him a bachelor party. They get him a stripper. Chris is unconfortable with it. His wife is much hotter. Katie and Arissa talk about the game. Arissa says she hates bugs and heights. Arissa says she doesn't want to step down. Katie admits she sucks. Katie admits she's scared. She thinks she can win. Chris leaves for the day and it's just insane what he's gotta do. Veronica says losing Rachel will bite them in the ass. She asks them. Tina says she didn't want to vote Tonya. Coral says Tonya got several DQs. Coral calls Ibis out about the the whole telling Katie to step out. Tina doesn't like this meeting. Tina says alliances are gonna screw you more and the meotions are gonna fuck you over. That sucks like hell. Tina does have a great point.

Time for another mission. Chris got married and is back. He wnats the money, he even says it's crazy. They need to swing from one side to the other. Arissa thought she conquered it, but she says it's a crock of shit. It's get as many across as you can. Theo, Brad and Shane step up. Katie is confident. Ibis and Ruthie join in. People start climbing down. Eric says the team can count on him. Mr. jumprope head. Eric's upper body isn't working. Eric drops. Tina says jump rope king can't do it. Frank is now out. Katie feels confident. Ruthie says it's so hard. Shane drops. Mark makes it. Tonya says Ruthie has to step it up. Katie drops. Steven finishes. Randy drops. Ruthie drops. Nick is now out. Coral finishs. She says she can talk shit because she can back it up. Aneesa and Tonya drop. Brad makes it. Ibis drops. Theo finishes. Robin finishes. Tina finishes. Arissa is scared. Veronica tries to calm Arissa down. Tina is upset that Arissa isn't gonna be able to do it. These girls are screwed.

Arissa ssya she can't go. Arissa ssays send her home. The girls lose if Arissa doesn't make it. Chris drops. Dan makes it. Sophia makes it. Veronica makes it. Arissa says she has no choice and drops. She says she's so critical of herself. She didn't realize it until this challenge. Time to debate who is going. Chris is so proud and he says he's thinking about going because he misses the wife. Chris volunteers to go home. Chris says he already won the prize. They decide okay, Chris and then sleep. Tina votes for Katie. Coral says Ibis deserves another chance. Robin votes Ruthie. Tonya votes Ruthie. Shane says Chris is going because it was his decision. He said he wanted to be a husband and all that. Robin sends Katie off. She says it was a lot more fun. She says they still got Greece. Coral says Katie is a great chick. The girls toast to Katie. She says she's not a weak player. Eric says this is a happy goodbye. This dude is in love.