Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Episode 10

Edward's Playlist

Tonya and Theo are mixing it up. Those crazy ass people. Arissa dropping the women to a loss. The guys winning electric shock. Aneesa and Nick are no more and it's sad. Why can't they win? The camera zooms in on Arissa. That's not very nice. Tonya says she shouldn't be up for elimination. Theo is concerned she is gonna go. He says she runs her mouth too much and shit. Tonya says she has the mindset and two penalties. Shane hates Eric's jump rope. Brad says it's everywhere. He hates the rope. Coral says maybe it's the missing link in his brain. Clue time. Go big or go home. Coral says once you hit rock bottom it's the best time to climb up. Veronica says girls are gonna win with sarcasm. The guys are all confident and shit. This is gonna be fucking crazy.

They have to pick a ramp or answer a pop colture question. They get 6 points if they are right and make a jump. A wrong answer gets your ass nothing. Frank, Brad and Theo lead. Arissa, Tina and Sophia decide to lead. The guys are practicing pop culture shit. Dan is going for a question. Sophia is going for the three ramp. Anna Nicole's dog is Sugarpie. Dan got it wrong. Sophia is so nervous. Girls got three. Shane is taking a question. Shane got it right. Tonya is just ramping. Tonya gets three. Shane gets 6. Theo and Ibis are both getting questions. Ibis gets it right and Theo is wrong. Tina calls Theo an idiot. Ibis gets 6. Randy and Robin are taking a question. Boys got it right, Robin was wrong. Randy gets 6. Mark and Tina are getting a question. They both got Nick Lachey. 6 each. 18 to 18 so far. Ruthie is not taking a question and Steven gets a question. Steven is wrong. Ruthie gets 3. Veronica and Frank going for the question. They both got it right. Frank gets 6. Veronica gets 6. Brad and Arissa's turn. It's a question time for both. Arissa is right, Brad is wrong. Sophia says that Eric's jump rope is going too far. Ibis says please make it Arissa. Arissa is scared shitless. The bike goes crazy. What is gonna happen here?

Arissa goes. She wins it for the women. Arissa did it for the ladies. The guys are upset. The girls leaders are the inner circle. Brad, Theo or Frank is going. Veronica says she's on the hot seat. The guys talk about Steven missing the questions. Steven says it's sad Frank is going. Theo and Tonya talk about the chart. Ibis says Tina asked her to make the chart. They say it's Tonya or Veronica. They talk about who is the stronger player and everything. Steven steps up and says his best friend Frank is going. He says the allure of the money brought him there. The girls say it was close. Veronica says it's all good. She says they didn't want to see her in the end. Veronica tells Coral to win the final mission. Tonya says there should be a point system. Coral says nobody is tripping but Tonya. Coral says Tonya wants to make people feel sorry for her. Tina says it was her list to make her feel confortable. Tina and Coral says you're here because of the list. Arissa says everybody is petrofied. No more fucking list. Tonya says we're gonna play harder tomorrow. She says she doesn't give a flying fuck who goes home.