Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Episode 11

Edward's Playlist

Women finally won a mission. Coral says it gives them a lot of hope. Frank and Veronica are gone. Tonya's ass should have been gone. Tonya starts flipping out with Tina. That dumb bitch needs to shut the fuck up. I wanna slap her. Tonya is still bitching. Coral and Tina bitching out Tonya. Ibis talks to Tonya about the whole thing. Nothing was resolved. Ibis says Tonya knows she's next. Tonya says bring on the next mission so I can vote a bitch off. Everybody is putting shit on top of Theo. That's classic. Tina asks why we always gotta get dirty. Randy says he knows shit is gonna fly out of the woodchipper. People gotta catch food. They need to launch food into people's heads helmet. They need to catch the shit. Once all the food is done, they get weighed to win. Time for team leaders. Mark and Shane want to do it. Eric, Shane and Mark do it as the threesome. Coral says the girls are worried about going home. Tonya is fucking paranoid. Robin and Ibis are up and they need a third.

Tonya doesn't trust her team mates and doesn't step up. Robin, Ruthie and Ibis as well as Mark, Eric and Shane. It's nasty ass meat products. Tina is disturbed at the food. It's nasty as fuck. Guys are practicing. Coral gives Tina the crap to throw into the machine. They're having issues getting the food onto their buckets. They're just getting attacked by meat. That must be hell to clean up. Tina says she's having trouble getting it through. The guys are running around. The girls are catching vegetables now. No more food. Time is up. Shane says it looks equal. Robin jumps on Mark to get meat on him. 25.75 for the women. 30.25 for the guys. That sucks ass. Ruthie doesn't even want to think who is going home. They take Brad, Steven out. They are leaning to Randy. They think Randy knows anyway. Coral says it woulds be bad to get rid of the puzzle people. Robin says somebody weaker could be voting her off. It's fucking crazy.

Tonya says vote for Ibis. Coral says the puzzle is how you win. Sophia says she's good at book smarts. The girls don't want to eat their words later. Randy comes up and says his peace. He says that he's happy he got that far. He says he deserves it. Sophia was thinking of what to say. Ibis is going home. Ruthie and Robin go up to hug her. She's happy she made some friends. Robin and Ibis are frustrated. Ibis says Tonya and Arissa are hiding behind people. Ibis tells Ruthie that you gotta get them the fuck off. Randy is happy to go home. He felt the system actually worked. Theo says that it's less on performance as they go on. Sophia and Ruthie say Arissa or Tonya has to go home. It's kill or be killed time. Tonya is willing to do whatever it takes. Bitch is out for blood and needs to go home.