Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Episode 15

Edward's Playlist

A look back at Arissa just sucking ass.  The guys winning another mission.  Ruthie went to end the deal with Sophia.  Brad got screwed over.  Coral told Brad the previous friendship deal is why he went.  Eric knows he should have went.  The girls go out for drinks and to eat.  Arissa and Tina are saying we're jumping out of something.  Mark and Dan think about it too.  Mark says he wants to step up.  Eric says that they know Dan and Theo are the top 2 and if they win, Eric is gone.  Arissa is fucking scared.  She makes fun of her ass too.  That's great.
This is their second to last challenge.  Who is scared of heights.  They need to stand on the pedastals and shit.  One guy and one girl aren't going for $180,000.  Jonny needs to shut the fuck up.  Mark and Theo are leading.  Arissa and Coral step up for the girls.  So basically everybody knows who is going if they win or lose.  The guys really want Arissa to stay.  Theo is scared shitless.  He says Bob Villa's evil twin made it.  Arissa needs to get the fuck out there.  Dan is out.  Theo is out.  Arissa and Sophia won the first heat.  Mark fell.  Eric fell.  Girls won the mission.  Tina's screaming, we got some couches.  Sophia, Tina, Mark or Theo are gone.  Sophia and Tina are worried.  Sophia is about to flip the fuck out.
The girls talk in the van.  Tina says she'll be upset if she goes.  Dan said, fuck that, I'm quitting before you.  Mark is the sacrificial lamb.  The guys falling was so obvious.  Mark took one for the team.  Theo says Mark should be there, but it's cool that he's willing to give himself up.  They say the girls are morons if Tina goes.  The girls are saying it's always Tina vs. Sophia.  Coral says Sophia's only edge is that she's a puzzle like girl.  Coral says she doesn't do puzzles.  They say Tina's been a monster but Sophia is the puzzle girl.  Tina says fucking bitch.  Tina says she had a fun time talking shit.  She says win the shit.  Tina says she hopes there are puzzles.  Eric says him and Mark had an alliance since day one.  Mark says he has faith in all three of them.  Tina tells Sophia, let the best girl win.  She wishes them luck.  Tina says she hopes they win.  She wants to see them win to show that women are as strong.  Mark says the guys will kill the girls.  Eric says it'll be great to call him and tell him they won.