Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Episode 16

Edward's Playlist

It's final mission time.  36 people started.  30 are gone.  Guys vs. girls.  Mark threw his ass out so Arissa stayed.  Tina is gone too.  Dan, Theo and Eric vs. Arissa, Coral and Sophia.  Arissa needs to be slapped.  Dan and Theo are talking shit.  They plan on doing shit involving past missions.  Sophia's parents say they'll win.  Coral says it's disconcerning when they lost so many missions.  Final text message.  They go to a dinner.  Eric makes a little toast.  Towards Coral.  He says they can squash their shit.  Coral says it was great getting to know Arissa.  Some dudes go in and break shit and Coral is about to eat and they start spilling her wine and throwing her food on the floor.  That's fucked up.  These guys are eating their fucking food.  I would be fucking pissed.

They now gotta walk out the door in single file.  The guys are screaming at them.  They need to lay in a fucking cot and shit.  Arissa says they got army clothes and crackers.  That sounds fun.  6:00 they wake those muthafuckas up.  Coral says she's looking foul.  It's boot camp.  Guys and girls both get in a car.  Escape from Santa Fe.  They all gotta pay attention to this whole shit.  $45,000 trip around the world plus $60,000 in cash.  Each person gets that shit.  Theo is happy they're jumping out of a plane.  Arissa sucks at heights shit.  Three guys drop first, then girls.  Theo goes first.  Then Eric.  Then Dan.  Coral is worried that they're on different courses.  Coral is out first.  Arissa second.  Sophia third.  Sophia says it feels so good that she did this.  Girls are proud of Arissa.  They all get their traveling system.  Dan says he doesn't care how the girls are doing.  Sophia leads it.  It looks insane. 

The mission is hella long.  The guys find the first box.  Time to crawl under barbwire.  Coral says it's real, not a prop.  Dan finds the guys.  Sophia gets the girls.  Guys go up a hill.  Eric says he's so full of adrenaline.  Theo says start loosening nots.  Sophia says it's slipknots.  The girls get the second key.  Coral is surprised at Arissa's performance.  Theo says they go harder when they think the girls are ahead.  Sophia is having issues with the GPS.  The guys are looking in the hay.  The guys are running because they have 3.  They have to match up people.  In order by season.  That's crazy.  Guys are doing it.  Arissa finds the key.  Coral says it took them 17 years to find the key.  Sophia says she hopes the guys are messing up.  Johnny says the guys are wrong.  Theo is worried.  Guys ring the bell.  They won.  Sophia is so upset that the guys won.  Coral says losing sucks.  Arissa says if they would have made the puzzle on time, they would have won.  Now they get their prizes bullshit.  Dan says it's surreal.  Theo says he went there to succeed.  Eric says he's thankful he got to experience this shit.  Now clips of moments.  Coral says if there are 5 women in a room, it's either an orgy or a fight.  Arissa says every obstacle will change your life.  Dan says they're all about team work.  Sophia says they all know they worked hard.