Edward's Online Reality

Battle of the Sexes 2: Reunion

Edward's Playlist

Time for the reunion.  It looks all crazy.  Mark, Brad, Steven, Tonya, Eric, Arissa, Theo, Coral, Dan, Veronica, Mike, Sophia and Tina all there.  Coral says the concept of Battle of the Sexes is dumb.  She says missions won't be physically fair.  Coral says you spelt a few words.  Dan says the girls just bitch too much.  It was new people vs. old people.  Rachel going home.  Adam going home.  Abram going, Mike going.  Veronica says the guys were scared of Veronica, Rachel, Coral and Tonya.  Tina says the guys planted seeds.  Eric said he spread seeds when Tonya stole the jump rope.  Coral says she would be alligned with anybody to help her win.  Even Trishelle's dumb ass.  Veronica says Rachel and Coral have done so many.  Tina says Tonya will put whatever she wants in her mouth.  Arissa said she never alligned.  Sophia and Ruthie alliance.  Sophia said they were friends before.  Arissa says it was bullshit.  Tonya and Sophia are cursing each other out.  Tonya said she and Katie are friends.  Coral told Arissa that her ass didn't deserve to be in the final 3, physically.  Arissa says she would never get to the end based on physically.  Sophia says it was so blatent.  That shit was funny.
The guys into some shady shit.  Brad being pissed off.  Eric says it's all unfair.  Brad said the girls were playing like bitches, and the 4 guys were the real bitches.  Brad says put your balls on the table.  Eric says you always gotta be together.  Eric wanted to keep Mike as long as they can.  Mike says he got more prizes than the girls got the whole time.  They can't split it.  Mark felt bad for Brad.  Mark/Robin stuff.  Abram/Coral together.  Tonya and every guy on earth.  Tonya says her and Theo were playing.  Coral syas Tonya told good jokes too.  She was great at swimming, but that was left out.  They're just friends.  Mark and Robin hated the label thing.  Coral says they were friends and always was hanging out with Abe.  Let's look at the Steven slap.  Steven says he felt bad for Shane.  Steven says he has somewhat of a temper.  Steven flipped off the producers.  Tina cursing out Tonya.  Tina says it's so easy to pick on Tonya.  Tonya got punked out.  Like that bitch she is.
The stuff you didn't see.  Guys mooning the cameras.  Abe stealing the toilet covers.  The guys Tped the whole place.  Coral shaking her ass.  Eric bitching about his jump rope.  The girls on the phone during the building mission.  Arissa is sleeping with Brad.  Arissa says her marriage is a sham.  Brad says him and Veronica are friends.  Veronica says friendly and flirty is better than loose.  Mike said it started with the toilet paper.  They shit and piss in every toilet.  They shut the water off too.  Everybody hated the jump rope.  Kina took the jump rope.  She wanted to return it in pieces.  Mike says the girls cheated.  Coral says she can't build shit.  Coral says she's gonna slit somebody's throat.  She says it's so stressful.  Coral says bitches are plotting against her.  Tonya says she's plotting.  Mike didn't hook up with anybody.  That's why he didn't make it to the end.