Edward's Online Reality

Austin: Casting Special

Edward's Playlist

Dan is back and hosting the Real World Austin special. Sarah, Brad, Jacquese, Coral and MJ are there to help out. Sarah says charisma is a big thing. Jacquese said he was watching TV while shooting it. Sarah said she read the Real World Vegas book. Melinda is first. She's 21 and from Wisconsin. She's dating and fooled around with girls before. She said she needs some ass. She says she sounds like a slut and doesn't want any STDs. She says guys don't gossip, and she hates gossip. Coral says she's pretty. She also says she's goofy. Sarah says Melinda is like her. Brad says she likes to have a good time. MJ says Landon was from Wisconsin and he was a partier. Coral says she was in NY for 5 months and didn't fuck or anything. Danny is 21 and from Boston. His mom was a drug addict and an alcoholic. He wants to see the rest of the world and not locked in. He wants to be himself. Coral makes fun of banging news. MJ and Coral say he'll bang nails. Jacquese says he'll hold them together. MJ says he has to bring everything with him. Coral says he'll get a lot of pussy. MJ says he's Brad and Ace mixed. It's fucking hilarious. Sarah says to Melinda not to listen to anyone. Dan says MJ kept hitting on him. MJ says it was probably great. He also says don't vote me off first.

Dan talks about Austin. It's the third dude. Kansas City and 19 year old, it's Wes. He wants to be a stripper and shit. Wes is so egotistical. He says he's never been around people of other races or homosexuals. Brad says he's gonna bring steam. Coral says he's stuck up. Sarah was like, where was the stuck up one. 19 year old Nehemiah from Arizona. His mother is in drug rehab, He says he has to get rid of the girlfriend if he gets on the show. He sees things from other people's point of view. He says sometimes he feels like a girl. Dan likes him. They all like him. Sarah says he's gonna be a good person. Jacquese says he'll be the bootyologist. Johanna is a little latina. She's hotheaded and fiesty. She wants to be away from her family. She had a boyfriend for 6 years. She doesn't even know if she wants him back. She's like he's not even that cute. She says that was so superficial. MJ says she's tough and shit. They say Coral just presents herself and beats bitches up. Jacquese says she may be a handful. Jacquese says his cast and their cast are kinda the same. Coral, Dan and Brad have fun in the confessional being like, how did we get casted?

More stuff in Austin. Lacey is the next one. 21 from Ohio. She's a hair dresser. They are right wing conservatives now. She needs to be exposed to the whole world more. She says she's the information station. They think she'll start a lot of trouble. Dan likes her. Brad says she's gonna be the judging person. Rachel is number 7. She joined the army because her parents didn't pay for school. She got caught fooling around with her boyfriend in Iraq. Sarah says they only cast her for being from the armed forces. Brad says it's gonna be interesting to see what people think of her. Coral says Melinda is gonna pass a kidney stone. MJ says Lacey and Rachel would be the owrst hook up ever. It looks fucking crazy. Brad said it looked like San Diego.