Edward's Online Reality
San Diego: Episode 12
Edward's Playlist

Frankie talks about her disease, again.  Well, it's not her fault.  They showed it in the intros.  They all are sarcastic about going to work.  Cameran hates it.  It sucks.  It's so boring.  They never show shit.  Jamie says they don't want to fgo but are forced.  Jamie doesn't want to be late.  Everybody is running out.  Cameran is bitching.  Frankie doesn't want to be breathing hard.  She avoids doing shit.  Great tactics.  The guy is bitching about them not working hard enough.  Frankie hates the job and Brian.  How great.  Brad hates Brian too.  He says they're kids.  They all bitch about the job and Brian.  Frankie is glad everybody hates it.  Cameran and Brad want to quit as a group and be done with it.  Thank god.  Randy and Brad talk about being horny.  It's just random.  Randy met a girl named Erin.  She brings some friends with her.  Cameran explains Randy's situation.  I hate these bitches.  They're ugly and annoying.  Jaquese is cracking up about one of the girls pulling out one of her teeth.  Jaquese tells one of Erin's friends they're gonna make out.  Back to Jaquese the bootyologist.   That shit is still so crazy.  Jaquese makes a joke and Brad and Cameran die laughing.  Guess you had to be there to die laughint at that shit.

The girl leaves the house.  About fucking time.  Fake teeth and fake hair extensions.  Jaquese is dying laughing.  It is hilarious.  Randy likes everybody.  No teeth, no hair, whatever.  They all don't want to be on the boat.  Jamie is sick of being late and the job.  They're only 8 minutes late.  Big improvement.  Frankie, just tell them you hate it.  Frankie explains the situation.  Brain is an idiot.  Frankie doesn't want to seem weak, so she doesn't tell him the shit she goes through daily.  They have a meeting about the job.  Randy wants to quit for the house, Robin doesn't care, she'll quit if they quit.   Cameran, Brad and Jamie could go either way.  Jaquese doesn't really want to quit.  Frankie can't tolerate it anymore.   She gets upset because she doesn't want to look weak.  Girl, you're like dying.  The hospital deal sounds like Tonya.  Except Tonya's was about stones.

Jaquese talks about why he doesn't want to quit.  Jaquese's mom calls and says he's not a quitter.  His mom talk real.  It's just stupid that all them want to quit then that.  His mom says talk to the guy about improving the job.  They now want positive about the job.   Jamie talks about the disease that Frankie has.  She tells the boss the seriousness of Frankie's situation.  Frankie says now they're caring.  Jamie really did a lot for her.  Jaquese is laughing at the other guys cleaning the boat.  They're like dancing and shit.  Finally put a good spin on it.  Frankie answers the phone in Spanish.  Erin calls Randy back.  Randy says he went on a beer run.  Frankie tells the girl.  Jamie calls him an asshole.  Then she brings up Robin to Randy.  It's great.  Avoiding shit is the answer. What a great solution.