Edward's Online Reality
Inferno: Episode 15
Edward's Playlist

Mike and Kendal romance.  Leah getting DQed and going to the inferno.  Road Rules plan gets spoiled by Kendal.  She goes into the Inferno.  What a dumb fucking bitch.  Mike then goes off on Veronica.  Drunk ass.  Mike is still going crazy.  Kendal thinks his negativity is helping her.  Leah thinks this is great.  Mike and Kendal start fighting.  Mike and Veronica fight.  Veronica drops Katie's name in.  Katie calls Veronica a cunt.  Leah is cursing CT out.  This shit is great.  Everybody is fighting.  Leah is cursing out CT.  Katie is telling Christena about Veronica.  David jumps out naked.  Kendal destroyed Leah.  Leah is now pissed at Darrell.  He was sitting back because he wanted to swing.  Coral says she's the only bitch left.  The next Inferno is girls and she's the only girl left.  Not good.  Kendal saw Mike's darkside.  Did you not see Battle of the Seasons?

Mike tells Kendal he was out of line.  She says if she was her friend she would say stay away from that asshole.  She's a sucker for Mike.  She wants to kiss him and stab him at the same time.  What a crazy bitch.  This is a warning for him.  Coral is 100% in.  Road Rules has to meet and pick.  Katie and Veronica are picked.  Veronica says Coral will pick Katie since Coral doesn't want to lose.  Coral picks Katie.  David and CT want Veronica.  Syrus and Coral want Katie.  Coral wants them to shove it if Veronica gets picked.  Veronica says Real World picked for Coral.  Coral is pissed he's talking to Kendal.  Mike says if you win the Aztec send him.  Holly says Coral is a strong woman.  She says, fuck it, I'm winning a lifesaver.

This mission is horrible.  It's memory like shit.  A DQ is two bonus minutes.  Coral wants the devils help.  Coral is so happy, David is fucking up.  Abram gets 2:25.  David gets the wrong combination.  5:33 for him.  Mike gets 2:22.  Timmy gets 2:40.  Mike don't want the lifesaver.  Christena gets 2:02.  Syrus gets the DQ.  KAtie wants the lifesaver.  Katie gets 1:56.  CT burned it.  Veronica gets 1:30.  Coral gets 1:34.  Knedal gets 14:14.  Darrell wins 1:40.  Road Rules 4:39.  Real World, 5:59.  Veronica wins the lifesaver.  Katie was hilarious.  Coral wins the lifesaver.  It saved her black ass from roasting.  Coral is thinking who to send.  Send David, he sucks.