Edward's Online Reality
San Diego: Episode 21
Edward's Playlist

Frankie talks about the talking behind her back with hert mom.  On the phone with Dave.  She wants to leave.  It's what I like to call, another Frankie episode.  Frankie says goodbye to her family.  Amy tells Frankie that she should stay.  She tells Frankie she does what she wants.  Frankie is so great with that kid.  Randy wants to be a dead gangsta for Halloween.  What the fuck is wrong with him?  Brad wants to be fucking Mario and Luigi.  Brad and Randy think their costumes are gonna be the shit.  Why would they think that?  How fucking corny?  The producer wants Frankie to stay.  She has to either go and stay home, or stay.  It's her big decision.  They're all pondering, what is she gonna do?  Robin thinks she's going to go home.  Jaquese feels like that's his girl.  And he's pissed off.  She says she's normally so happy.  Robin doesn't believe that she's ever happy.  Randy says it's her decision and she ultimately should make it up by herself.  Nobody is gonna force her to do anything.  She's still worried about her and Dave.  That's all I ever fucking hear.

Frankie has to leave tomorrow, if she goes.  Robin says that it's bullshit.  Everybody went there to change.  She's packing her shit up.  This bitch is crazy.  It's a look back at our time with Frankie.  Frankie's not in Kansas anymore.  Frankie calls Dave.  Jamie and Robin think she's leaving because of Dave.  She calls her mom and tells her she's going straight to the place where Dave is playing.  Frankie says she is going home because of her.  Frankie looks like Juliette and it's the best I've seen her all season.  Jaquese says he's losing a soldier.  That's his homegirl.  They all put their faces on.  Jamie says she should be home because she's only got maybe 7 years left.  RIP Frankie.  When do we meet Charlie?  Brad misses Frankie.  Randy says he hopes she doesn't regret it.  He also says her heart is in the right place.  That would be in her pants.

Cameran is a gangsta, Jamie is Eve.  Robin is Marilyn Monroe.  Randy and Brad are the retarded Mario & Luigi.  Cameran says everybody is so much better without Frankie.  Robin says everybody is connected ever since she is gone.  How cuntish.  Brad loves his Mario outfit.  Why?  I really could care less.  Jaquese feels bad for Frankie going.  They had many good conversations, he's hurt her ass is gone.  Frankie hasn't called, four days later.  Robin says she doesn't think Frankie cares.  Frankie is great at running and being sad.  That's such a positive attitude.  Frankie finally calls Cameran.  She didn't see him at the concert.  He wants to marry her.  She's moving in with Dave.  Frankie says she made the right decision.  Cameran says that Frankie's saying she's too cool for this experience.  What a dumb bitch.  Cameran really thinks it's all about Dave.  Robin doesn't get the whole punk-rock thing.  It's over, move on bitch.