Edward's TRL
April 2003 Recaps
Retired Videos
Top Takers
Ideal Countdowns
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Novemeber 2002 had a Spankin New Music Week. Some performances that week were, Justin Timberlake doing Like I Love You and Cry Me A River and Jay-Z with Beyonce doing '03 Bonnie & Clyde. Kelly Osbourne performed the day before Shut Up came out.  The month was owned by Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake and B2K. We said goodbye to Good Charlotte and Justin Timberlake.  We had some hot debuts like The Donnas, Jennifer Lopez, TLC, O-Town, Jay-Z and Beyonce, B2K and P. Diddy, Nick Carter, Kelly Osbourne and Justin Timberlake.

April 1st Recap:
10-Simple Plan - Addicted (29th Day/-4/Peak: 06)
-I still like that I'm a dick line.
09-Snoop Dogg f/ Pharrell & Uncle Charlie Wilson - Beautiful (18th Day/-2/Peak: 07)
-Aguilera isn't beautiful, no matter what they say.
08-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (25th Day/+2/Peak: 01[01])
-Shit, he was almost gone.
07-50 Cent - In Da Club (43rd Day/-2/Peak: 01[16])
-They sayin' "50 you drop."
06-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (9th Day/+2/Peak: 06)
-She bounced back to six.
05-Sum 41 - The Hell Song (16th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])
-This shares a similar lyric with Lucy's Dumb Girls.
04-Lil' Kim f/ Mr. Cheeks - The Jump Off (6th Day/+5/Peak: 04)
-This is her first real video on TRL and it's top five.
03-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (24th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])
-It's no big deal when people hate on Ja, but when Ja hates on Em, it's like stop the presses!
02-Good Charlotte - The Anthem (49th Day/-1/Peak: 01[21])
-RIP GC tomorrow.
01-B2K - Girlfriend (18th Day/+2/Peak: 01[01])
-How did B2K take #1? Why not when GC retires.

-Damien, and Lala host.
-Colin Farrell visits.
-MTV News: Madonna's video pulled.
-April Fools Video: The Androids - Do It With Madonna
-TRL Premiere: Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip


April 2nd Recap:
10-50 Cent - In Da Club (44th Day/-3/Peak: 01[16])
-His ass might not making it to retirement.
09-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 09)
-She's losing her goodness on the countdown too.
08-Simple Plan - Addicted (30th Day/+2/Peak: 06)
-Up and down like a fucking ladder.
07-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (10th Day/-1/Peak: 06)
-She's stuck below six. Sucks to be her.
06-Sum 41 - The Hell Song (17th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])
-I think they were drunk during the making of this video.
05-Lil' Kim f/ Mr. Cheeks - The Jump Off (7th Day/-1/Peak: 04)
-Don't bootleg her shit.
04-B2K - Girlfriend (19th Day/-3/Peak: 01[01])
-I heard that they momma's is ugly.
03-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (26th Day/+5/Peak: 01[01])
-Why do random songs take 4 spot or four jumps?
02-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (25th Day/+1/Peak: 01[05])
-This will probably be #1 tomorrow.
01-Good Charlotte - The Anthem (50th Day/+1/Peak: 01[22])
-Girls & Boys <33333333

-Damien, Lala and Quddus host.
-TRL travels all over.
-The All-American Rejects in the MTV2 studio.
-TRL Premiere: Nelly - Pimp Juice
-Amanda Bynes drops in.
-MTV News: Reality TV show for Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, Tom Green talk show and Sharon's cancer is gone.

09-Snoop Dogg f/ Pharrell & Uncle Charlie Wilson - Beautiful

April 3rd Recap:
-Lucy Woodward - Dumb Girls
-Amanda Perez - Angel
-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want

10-Nelly - Pimp Juice (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 10)
-This song is so ghetto.
09-Sum 41 - The Hell Song (18th Day/-3/Peak: 01[01])
-This song seems to be going the hell off the countdown.
08-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (11th Day/-1/Peak: 06)
-She visits and drops.
07-50 Cent - In Da Club (From Spring Break) (45th Day/+3/Peak: 01[16])
-In Da Asshole.
06-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (2nd Day/+3/Peak: 06)
-Why should I care Avril is so high.
05-Lil' Kim f/ Mr. Cheeks - The Jump Off (8th Day/=/Peak: 04)
-I got the magic stick.
04-Simple Plan - Addicted (31st Day/+4/Peak: 04)
-Is this possible? Simple Plan this high?
03-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (26th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])
-Sing a simple song.
02-B2K - Girlfriend (20th Day/+2/Peak: 01[01])
-I need a girl with a big ass.
01-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (27th Day/+2/Peak: 01[02])
-Rock yo dumb ho.

-Damien, Lala and Quddus host.
-Supposed lyrics to Britney's "Club Song".
-Stacie Orrico drops in. She hosts and interviews Chris Rock.
-Chris Rock drops in.
-MTV News: Better Luck Tomorrow interviews.
-World Premiere: TLC - Damaged

01-Good Charlotte - The Anthem

April 4th Recap:


-Amanda Perez - Angel

-Boomkat - The Wreckoning


10-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 10)

-Busta -_- Mariah ^_^

09-Lil' Kim f/ Mr. Cheeks - The Jump Off (9th Day/-4/Peak: 04)

-Why is my homegirl falling? :(

08-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (3rd Day/-2/Peak: 06)

-This bitch is already dropping.

07-50 Cent - In Da Club (46th Day/=/Peak: 01[16])


06-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (12th Day/+2/Peak: 06)

-I think the beat sounds like a yo-yo.

05-Nelly - Pimp Juice (2nd Day/+5/Peak: 05)

-WHAT IS PIMP JUICE? It sucks though.

04-B2K - Girlfriend (21st Day/-2/Peak: 01[01])

-Where is B2K from?

03-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (27th Day/=/Peak: 01[05])

-Justin should be getting owned by Em.

02-Simple Plan - Addicted (32nd Day/+2/Peak: 02)

-How did these bitches get this high.

01-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (28th Day/=/Peak: 01[02])

-Every song seems to be for Ballys.



-Benji & Joel host.

-Lala co-hosts.

-Vin Diesel drops in.

-MTV News: Lance and pet pshychic and American Idol game.



09-Sum 41 - The Hell Song


April 7th Recap:
-Lucy Woodward - Dumb Girls
-Ginuwine f/ Baby - Hell Yeah
-The Donnas - Who Invited You?


10-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (4th Day/-2/Peak: 06)
-She's losing votes, thankfully.
09-Amanda Perez - Angel (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 09)
-She plays the piano a little and she's ghetto. Atleast she's better than Alicia.
08-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want (2nd Day/+2/Peak: 08)
-The Mariah cartoon looks crazy.
07-B2K - Girlfriend (22nd Day/-3/Peak: 01[01])
-They've released like 6 videos and 4 albums in a year.
06-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (13th Day/=/Peak: 06)
-I wonder if she wrote stuck backwards on the mirror.
05-Nelly - Pimp Juice (3rd Day/=/Peak: 05)
-Is pimp juice nasty?
04-50 Cent - In Da Club (47th Day/+3/Peak: 01[16])
-I hope 50 disappears for more than a minute.
03-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (28th Day/=/Peak: 01[05])
-Keep singing you whore!
02-Simple Plan - Addicted (33rd Day/=/Peak: 02)
-GC fans showing love to Simple Plan.
01-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (29th Day/=/Peak: 01[04])
-Don't dance like a wanksta.


-Damien hosts.
-Throwing snowballs at artists
-TRL Sneak Peak:
-MTV News: Canada Juno's, Avril interview and Beyonce's album.


09-Lil' Kim f/ Mr. Cheeks - The Jump Off


April 8th Recap:
-TLC - Damaged
-Snoop Dogg f/ Pharrell & Uncle Charlie Wilson - Beautiful
-Sum 41 - The Hell Song


10-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want (3rd Day/-2/Peak: 08)
-Poor Mariah and Busta. It's so soon for it to fall off.
09-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (14th Day/-3/Peak: 06)
-She needs to get unstuck.
08-Nelly - Pimp Juice (4th Day/-3/Peak: 05)
-*throws pimp juice at Nelly*
07-Amanda Perez - Angel (2nd Day/+2/Peak: 07)]
-This is such a nice joint.
06-B2K - Girlfriend (23rd Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])
-*plug* Get Lucy Woodward, Lil' Kim, Lisa Marie Presley and Boomkat's CDs.
05-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (5th Day/+5/Peak: 05)
-She's losing days at the top spot.
04-50 Cent - In Da Club (48th Day/=/Peak: 01[16])
-I need caps of this dumb video,
03-Simple Plan - Addicted (34th Day/-1/Peak: 02)
-He's still a dick? Now he must be a real big dick.
02-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (29th Day/+1/Peak: 01[05])
-Come on beat his black/white ass.
01-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (30th Day/=/Peak: 01[05])
-Get this white bitch out of #1.


-Damien and Quddus host.
-Lisa Marie Presley visits.
-TRL Premiere: Christina Aguilera - Fighter
-TRL Sneak Peak: Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad




April 9th Recap:

10-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (15th Day/-1/Peak: 06)

-Shes a lucky bitch for not falling off.

09-Nelly - Pimp Juice (5th Day/-1/Peak: 05)

-Shove your damn pimp juice. ^+^

08-Amanda Perez - Angel (3rd Day/-1/Peak: 07)

-I wonder if Amanda has a halo.

07-B2K - Girlfriend (24th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])

-Only B2Ks first singles from their album retire.

06-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 06)

-Three really shitty singles in a row.

05-50 Cent - In Da Club (49th Day/-1/Peak: 01[16])


04-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (6th Day/+1/Peak: 04)

-Shes losing her tits.

03-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (30th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])

-Could this be another #1? I doubt it.

02-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (31st Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])

-What, Justin isnt #1?

01-Simple Plan - Addicted (35th Day/+2/Peak: 01[01])

-What a shocking concept. A rock band/punk band whatever the fuck you wanna call them at #1.



-Damien and Lala host.

-Good Charlotte contest winner interview with the band.

-MTV News: Kelly Clarkson's new song, the American Idol movie and War on Iraq.

-Ginuwine visits.

-Jamie Kennedy drops in.

-Jennifer Lopez calls in.

-TRL Premiere: Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad



10-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want


April 10th Recap:
10-Nelly - Pimp Juice (6th Day/-1/Peak: 05)
-Get your fucking pimp juice out of here ^+^.
09-Amanda Perez - Angel (4th Day/-1/Peak: 07)
-She's going up like an angel.
08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 08)
-I'm glad this vidoe didn't debut high.
07-B2K - Girlfriend (25th Day/=/Peak: 01[01])
-How many girlfriends do you need?
06-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (7th Day/-2/Peak: 04)
-Keep that dropping bitch.
05-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (31st Day/-2/Peak: 01[05])
-Keep singing, it ain't getting you to #1.
04-Simple Plan - Addicted (36th Day/-3/Peak: 01[01])
-*stars randomly like that dude in the video*
03-50 Cent - In Da Club (50th Day/+2/Peak: 01[16])
-DIE 50!!!!!!
02-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (2nd Day/+4/Peak: 02)
-Thanks for making her a dropper.
01-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (32nd Day/+1/Peak: 01[06])
-This is the first time I'm actually happy he's #1.


-Carson hosts.
-Lala co-hosts.
-Whack an Intern.
-Adam Sandler visits.
-MTV News: War on Iraq.


10-Stacie Orrico - Stuck


April 11th Recap:
-Sum 41 - The Hell Song
-TLC - Damaged
-Sean Paul - Get Busy

10-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (2nd Day/-2/Peak: 08)

-Im Glad is a good song, not the video.
09-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want (4th Day/NA/Peak: 08)

-Baby if you give it to me, Ill give you ten dollars.
08-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (16th Day/NA/Peak: 06)

-She needs to get stuck onto the countdown.
07-Nelly - Pimp Juice (7th Day/+3/Peak: 05)

-Take your pimp juice and get the fuck off the countdown.
06-B2K - Girlfriend (26th Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-Let me see yo ass go bump, bump, bump.
05-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (8th Day/+1/Peak: 04)

-Im so happy that shes losing her grip.
04-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (32nd Day/+1/Peak: 01[05])

-Em, 50 and Ja are all HBR!!!
03-Simple Plan - Addicted (37th Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-I dont give a shit if you are addicted to crack or not.
02-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (33rd Day/-1/Peak: 01[06])

-Atleast he isnt #1 but white trash is.
01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (3rd Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-Thanks for making her a muthafucka.

-Damien, Lala and Quddus host.
-Preview of 50's DVD.
-MTV News: Snoop Dogg gunshot and Eminem responds to Ja Rule.

09-Amanda Perez - Angel
03-50 Cent - In Da Club


April 14th Recap:

10-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want (5th Day/-1/Peak: 08)

-They should have made it Mariah f/ Busta.

09-Amanda Perez - Angel (5th Day/NA/Peak: 07)

-She needs to kick some dumb shit off like Nelly or Avril or Aguilera.

08-B2K - Girlfriend (27th Day/-2/Peak: 01[01])

-B2K has been looking for a girlfriend for ages!

07-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (3rd Day/+3/Peak: 07)

-Im still glad this joint is low.

06-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (33rd Day/-2/Peak: 01[05])

-He best release Business or White America.

05-Nelly - Pimp Juice (8th Day/+2/Peak: 05)

-Gives Nelly gatorade.

04-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (9th Day/+1/Peak: 04)

-I cant believe, shes losing her tits.

03-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (34th Day/-1/Peak: 01[06])

-Rock your rocks to hell.

02-Simple Plan - Addicted (38th Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-That dude is so lost.

01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (4th Day/=/Peak: 01[02])

-This bitch had moths on her nipples.



-High School Week.

-Damien and Quddus host.

-Nick Cannon visits.

-50 Cent drops in.

-World Premiere: 50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions

-MTV News: MTV Movie Awards.

-Kelly Rowland back in high school.

-Ricky Smith stops by.



08-Stacie Orrico - Stuck


April 15th Recap:

10-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (17th Day/NA/Peak: 06)

-She snuck onto the top 10.

09-B2K - Girlfriend (28th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])

-Omarion thingy was on Fake ID thingy.

08-Nelly - Pimp Juice (9th Day/-3/Peak: 05)


07-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (4th Day/=/Peak: 07)

-Im glad that I can say Im glad everyday as a comment.

06-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 06)

-Is your first question, why do you fucking suck?

05-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (10th Day/-1/Peak: 04)

-What do Avril and Shania have it common? They both are Candian suckasses.

04-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (34th Day/+2/Peak: 01[05])

-Where are the songs that should be on?

03-Simple Plan - Addicted (39th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])
-Dont think I hate on

02-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (35th Day/+1/Peak: 01[06])

-Rock pass Aguilera you ass.

01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (5th Day/=/Peak: 01[03])

-Please get somebody sane to #1.



-High School Week.

-Damien, Hilarie and Quddus host.

-Nick Cannon co-hosts.

-Carson at high school.

-MTV News: Sharon Osbourne and a little barfight and Mandy and getting a man.

-Seann Williams Scott visits.



10-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want

09-Amanda Perez - Angel


April 16th Recap:

10-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (18th Day/=/Peak: 06)

-Where is Lisa and Boomkat and Lucy?

09-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (5th Day/-2/Peak: 07)
-Im glad that this isnt high.

08-B2K - Girlfriend (29th Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-B2K needs to keep heading up.

07-Nelly - Pimp Juice (10th Day/+1/Peak: 05)


06-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (11th Day/-1/Peak: 04)

-You need to lose that boot in your ass.

05-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (35th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])

-My Ideal: 10-Aguilera, 09-50, 08-Nelly, 07-Avril, 06-Justin, 05-Eminem, 04-Stacie, 03-Jennifer, 02-Simple Plan, 01-B2K

04-Simple Plan - Addicted (40th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])

-This is like the one of two good songs on.

03-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (36th Day/-1/Peak: 01[06])

-Please go the fuck away.

02-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (2nd Day/+4/Peak: 02)

-I gotta think of 20 more questions for your bitch ass.

01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (6th Day/=/Peak: 01[04])

-Aguilera and Emily are really twins.



-High School Week.

-Damien, Lala and Hilarie host.

-Superalitive Awards:

~Best Dressed: Jennifer Lopez

~Biggest Flirt: Britney Spears

~Class Clown: Eminem

~Best Looking Guy: Justin Timberlake

-Mya goes back to high shool.

-MTV News: Destiny's Child back together





April 17th Recap:

10-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (6th Day/-1/Peak: 07)

-Im glad she isnt completely gone.

09-Nelly - Pimp Juice (11th Day/-2/Peak: 05)

-Damien is the worst pimp ever.

08-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (19th Day/+2/Peak: 06)

-Decent solo females are rare these days.

07-B2K - Girlfriend (30th Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-Why would you learn the steps to this joint.

06-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (36th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])

-Save the children!!!!!!

05-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (37th Day/-2/Peak: 01[06])

-He wants you naked by the end of this joint.

04-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (12th Day/+2/Peak: 04)
-Avril needs to lose lots of grip and get off the countdown.

03-Simple Plan - Addicted (41st Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-Atleast they didnt say they have a dick. :-!

02-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (7th Day/-1/Peak: 01[04])

-The cunt fell. Everybody gets some for free.

01-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (3rd Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-Question two, why the fuck did you get to #1 so fast, asshole?



-High School Week.

-Damien, Hilarie and Quddus host.

-TRL Spelling Bee.

-B2K goes back to school.

-MTV News: Bulletproof Munk interviews.

-Nelly drops by.





April 18th Recap:

10-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want (6th Day/NA/Peak: 08)

-Note: I dont know if this counts as a day, if it does the stats will be updated on Monday.

09-Sean Paul - Get Busy (1st Day/DBEUT/Peak: 09)

-Ill just add lyrics for him.

08-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (38th Day/-3/Peak: 01[06])

-Shake yo shit.

07-Simple Plan - Addicted (42nd Day/-4/Peak: 01[01])

-The kids are addicted to crack.

06-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (7th Day/+4/Peak: 06)

-Im glad the kids at the school are dumb.

05-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (13th Day/-1/Peak: 04)

-I hope this counts as a day sorta, so Aguilera cant have a consecutive run.

04-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (37th Day/+2/Peak: 01[05])

-Hes so lucky that people like him.

03-Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong (2nd Day/NA/Peak: 03)


02-Nelly - Pimp Juice (12th Day/+7/Peak: 02)

-This countdown gets worse as time goes by.

01-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (4th Day/=/Peak: 01[02])

-Half dollar needs to go the fuck into a cave.



-High School Week from a High School in Indiana.

-Carson Daly hosts.

-Good Charlotte pefroms The Anthem and The Young And The Hopeless.

-Lala and DJ Clue co-host.

-Teacher makeovers.

-MTV News: Jay-Z & 50 Cent working together and Absolute Zero.



08-Stacie Orrico - Stuck

07-B2K - Girlfriend

02-Christina Aguilera - Fighter

April 21st Recap:


-Sean Paul - Get Busy

-Liam Lynch - United States Of Whateva


10-B2K - Girlfriend (31st Day/-3/Peak: 01[01])

-Word to big bird. LMMFAO

09-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (7th Day/+1/Peak: 07)

-Jennifer Lopez makes me laugh. Watch the latest South Park to understand.

08-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (20th Day/=/Peak: 06)

-Shes 16, shock shock.

07-Nelly - Pimp Juice (12th Day/+2/Peak: 05)

-He should tour with B2K on the Pimp and Mini Pimp Juice Tour.

06-Simple Plan - Addicted (42nd Day/-3/Peak: 01[01])

-They got to #1 and are gonna retire. Shocking, right?

05-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (37th Day/+1/Peak: 01[05])

-This boy needs to be #1 since everything ahead of him is trash.

04-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (38th Day/+1/Peak: 01[06])

-Dont release a fourth single. Please, for the children.

03-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (13th Day/+1/Peak: 03)

-She needs to stop drinking.

02-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (4th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])

-Obviously Friday didnt count.

01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (8th Day/+1/Peak: 01[05])

-This bitch sucks.



-Carson Daly hosts.

-Hilarie co-hosts.

-Recap of High School Week.

-TRL artists gossip.

-Jerry O'Connel visits.

-MTV News: JC going solo and Fame the reality show.





April 22nd Recap:


-Amanda Perez - Angel

-Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want


10-Nelly - Pimp Juice (13th Day/-3/Peak: 05)


09-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (21st Day/-1/Peak: 06)

-Is she gonna get stuck at being at the bottom?

08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (8th Day/+1/Peak: 07)

-Im glad she is the hottest woman? Or not.

07-B2K - Girlfriend (32nd Day/+3/Peak: 01[01])

-I need some hoes too.

06-Simple Plan - Addicted (43rd Day/=/Peak: 01[01])

-Im addicted to this joint.

05-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (38th Day/=/Peak: 01[05])

04-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (14th Day/-1/Peak: 03)

-I wonder why she wasnt up for the hottest woman? Oh wait, shes so fucking ugly.

03-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (39th Day/+1/Peak: 01[06])

-Hahaha, your bitch ass lost in the first round.

02-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (9th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])

-This bitch is ugly.

01-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (5th Day/+1/Peak: 01[02])

-He has 21 bullet holes.



-Damien, Lala and Hilarie host.

-Hottest People:

~Dude: Vin Diesel

~Chick: Jennifer Lopez

-MTV News: Bow Wow getting a clothing line and more movies and movies and 3LW with a new song.

-Look at Madonna's American Life video.






April 23rd Recap:

10-Sean Paul - Get Busy (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 10)

-Get busy with trying to get 50 off the countdown.

09-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (22nd Day/=/Peak: 06)

-Whats with her sticking to the same spot?

08-Nelly - Pimp Juice (14th Day/+2/Peak: 05)

-Please tell me Work It isnt as bad as this shit.

07-Simple Plan - Addicted (44th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])

-I still dont get why that dude is just staring. I think hes stoned

06-B2K - Girlfriend (33rd Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])

-They are greedy, did you see their cribs?

05-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (39th Day/=/Peak: 01[05])

-I might cop his clothes.

04-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (15th Day/=/Peak: 03)

-Dear Avril, go to fucking hell. J

03-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (6th Day/-2/Peak: 01[02])


02-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (10th Day/=/Peak: 01[05])

-Atleast your skank ass aint #1.

01-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (40th Day/+2/Peak: 01[07])

-He needs to stop being such a man whore.



-Damien, Hilarie and Quddus host.

-People singing in the shower. Justin wins.

-MTV News: Chart news and Eminem's clothing line.

-Kimberly Cadwell visits.

-Busta Rhymes drops in.

-Pre-RL: Lillix - It's About Time



08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad


April 24th Recap:
-Lillix - It's About Time
-Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One
-Fabolous f/ Lil' Mo - Can't Let You Go


10-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (9th Day/NA/Peak: 07)
-Since my PC is acting up, I'll just do where I would put them. 04.
09-Evanescence f/ Paul McCoy - Bring Me To Life (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 09)
08-B2K - Girlfriend (34th Day/-2/Peak: 01[01])
07-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (40th Day/-2/Peak: 01[05])
06-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (16th Day/-2/Peak: 03)
05-Nelly - Pimp Juice (15th Day/+3/Peak: 05)
04-Simple Plan - Addicted (45th Day/+3/Peak: 01[01])
03-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (7th Day/=/Peak: 01[02])
02-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (41st Day/-1/Peak: 01[07])
01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (11th Day/+1/Peak: 01[06])


-Damien, Lala and Hilarie host.
-Dating game. Jeremy and Liz win.
-MTV News: X-Men 2 stuff.
-On The Break: Hilary Duff


10-Sean Paul - Get Busy
09-Stacie Orrico - Stuck



April 25th Recap:

Five For Fridays Videos:

-The Used - Burried Myself Alive

-The Donnas - Who Invited You?

-T. A. T. U. - Not Gonna Get Us

-Bowling For Soup - Girl All The Bad Guys Want

-The Roots f/ Chester Chesnut - Seed 2.0


10-Lillix - It's About Time (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 10)

-How old are these girls? They got great voices.

09-B2K - Girlfriend (35th Day/-1/Peak: 01[01])

-This joint better retire.

08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (10th Day/+2/Peak: 07)

-Im glad this is near the bottom.

07-Nelly - Pimp Juice (16th Day/-2/Peak: 05)

-Go away rap bitch. ^+^

06-Simple Plan - Addicted (46th Day/-2/Peak: 01[01])

-This joint is addicting. ^o^

05-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (41st Day/+2/Peak: 01[05])

-I want to eat some M & Ms.

04-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (17th Day/+2/Peak: 03)

-She needs to lose by going down.

03-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (42nd Day/-1/Peak: 01[07])

-Please vote for Hilarie Duff.

02-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (12th Day/-1/Peak: 01[06])

-This is her best single from this album, but it still sucks.

01-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (8th Day/+2/Peak: 01[03])

-Why is this bitch back at #1? But. atleast it aint Aguilera.



-Damien, Lala and Quddus host.

-Celebrity make overs.

-Liz & Jeremy's date.

-MTV News: Joey working on the comedy album, Dream's new album and working with Eve and 50 Cent extras.

-Good Charlotte/New Found Glory car contest.

-TRL Premiere: Hilarie Duff - Why Not?



09-Evanescence f/ Paul McCoy - Bring Me To Life


April 28th Recap:
10-Nelly - Pimp Juice (17th Day/-3/Peak: 05)
09-Evanescence f/ Paul McCoy - Bring Me To Life (2nd Day/NA/Peak: 09)
-This song is horrible, why did you bitches vote them back?
08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (11th Day/=/Peak: 07)
-I'm glad RW/RR is on tonight.
07-Lillix - It's About Time (2nd Day/+3/Peak: 07)
-This song is the best on the countdown. There are still only two, with B2K gone.
06-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (42nd Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])
-Please retire soon.
05-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (18th Day/-1/Peak: 03)
-Just fall off the face of the Earth.
04-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (43rd Day/-1/Peak: 01[07])
-Cry a river bitch.
03-Simple Plan - Addicted (47th Day/+3/Peak: 01[01])
-Hilary is gonna host when this retires. :-!
02-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (9th Day/-1/Peak: 01[03])
01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (13th Day/+1/Peak: 01[07])
-Bitch please, this song shouldn't be #1.


-Damien and Hilarie hosts.
-Benji & Joel co-hosts.
-New Found Glory visits.
-TRL Premiere: New Found Glory - Understatement
-Rest of Good Charlotte drops by.
-Carmen Rasmusen stops in.
-MTV News: Michelle's tour with the Dixie Chicks and new album, Justin with the Black Eyed Peas and they open for Justin and Christina and Mark Hoppis's garden.
-Tina from Team New Found Glory wins the car.


09-B2K - Girlfriend


April 29th Recap:
-Busta Rhymes f/ Mariah Carey - I Know What You Want
-Evanescence f/ Paul McCoy - Bring Me To Life
-Stacie Orrico - Stuck


01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (14th Day/=/Peak: 01[08])
-They showed fuck Fighta first ^+^.
08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (12th Day/=/Peak: 07)
-I'm glad Aguilera is over with.
03-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (19th Day/+2/Peak: 03)
-Get yo bitch ass back to like 7.
02-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (44th Day/+2/Peak: 01[07])
-Why couldn't his white/black ass be #1?
09-Nelly - Pimp Juice (18th Day/+1/Peak: 05)
-Nelly look a like should have had this video.
04-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (10th Day/-2/Peak: 01[03])
05-Simple Plan - Addicted (48th Day/-2/Peak: 01[01])
-Naked cowboy should have beat that chick.
06-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (43rd Day/=/Peak: 01[05])
-Eminem is gonna retire soon. :(
10-Hilarie Duff - Why Not? (1st Day/DEBUT/Peak: 10)
07-Lillix - It's About Time (3rd Day/=/Peak: 07)
-Lillix still so sexy, even if they are Canadian.


-Damien, Hilarie and Quddus host.
-Countdown musical chairs with Andy Dick, a Cow, a Nelly look a like, naked cowboy, frat boy and random fans. The cow wins.
-Andy Dick visits.
-MTV News: 50 Cent's book and Jack Osbourne in rehab.


09-Evanescence f/ Paul McCoy - Bring Me To Life


April 30th Recap:
-Sean Paul - Get Busy
-Hilary Duff - Why Not?


10-Stacie Orrico - Stuck (23rd Day/NA/Peak: 06)
-Atleast some dumb shit like Evanescence didn't knock off Hilarie.
09-Nelly - Pimp Juice (19th Day/=/Peak: 05)
08-Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad (13th Day/=/Peak: 07)
-I'm glad her ass didn't move. :-!
07-Eminem - Sing For The Moment (44th Day/-1/Peak: 01[05])
-I wonder if pretty boy will retire.
06-Lillix - It's About Time (4th Day/+1/Peak: 06)
-They do the Amanda Show theme. ^_^
05-50 Cent f/ Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (11th Day/-1/Peak: 01[03])
-Lil' Mo has 21 Answers. =-o
04-Simple Plan - Addicted (49th Day/+1/Peak: 01[01])
-Hilary Duff retires these peoples tomorrow.
03-Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (45th Day/-1/Peak: 01[07])
-This joint still sucks.
02-Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip (20th Day/+1/Peak: 02)
-Avril = far from my homegirl
01-Christina Aguilera - Fighter (15th Day/=/Peak: 01[09])
-This just in, go to hell Christina.


-Damien, Lala and Quddus host.
-Fans in videos.
-MTV News: Beyonce's video, Lance's production making a scary movie and Jam Master Jay death update.
-Pre-RL: Frankie J - Don't Wanna Try


10-Hilarie Duff - Why Not?