The Tangoing in the air was crazy. Angela is being accepted until Jillian comes. Hoepefully that bitch goes. Jillian talks
about how much she likes Patrick. Forgetting to mention she's a slut. Nick thinks there is no problem with it, but she's being
a slut. She's a very inappropriate bitch. Angela talks with Jillian. Jillian just wants to win, if there's a hot guy, she'll
take him. Angela doesn't like the attention this new bitch is getting. They don't seem the friendly type. Angela says she's
sexual all the fucking time. It's all sex all the fucking time. Boot this bitch. Nick says it's not her just being a slut.
Angela thinks Jullien just wants to party. She can only judge on her actions. Derrick says things can't get any better. They're
like at a spa. Angela wants to be home not there. She feels stuck. If they lose, she'll volunteer to go home. That basically
pisses everybody off. That's just what you want to do. Get Jillian out.
They need lots of energy. They need to make a cup worth of sweat in an hour. They start running around and doing shit.
Angela says it's gross. Which it is. The girls are getting like none. Angela is just standing there. The boys are sweating
and the girls are scrapers. Nick says it's even hard for him. Jillian and Patrick are being sexual again. They're sucking
at this mission. So far, they have little. Jillian is getting sweat off Patrick's ass. Jodi thinks it's disgusting. She says
atleast she doesn't need to lick it off. She says it's not cute at all. Derrick is making fun of Angela. They keep scraping
it up. Time is up. Patrick's passes the half line. Nick crosses the next line and Derrick fills the tube up. Two wins in a
row. Angela still isn't happy. Derrick and Jillian talk about Angela. They all want her to quit complaining. Derrick wants
to say something, then fucking go for it.
Angela calls her boyfriend again. She hates it. She's not happy and wasnts a good experience and she feels like she's getting
dumber by being there. Angela wants to be alone. Jodi thinks she's having a mental breakdown. Derrick and Patrick want to
help her but she wants to give up. Patrick says you gotta work with the people you have. Derrick tries to tell her to say
and tough it out. Which is why she hates Jillian. She takes over the group. Derrick says she should talk to Jillian about
life. Angela says that's not how she should act around people. Derrick is trying to confort her still and making an ass out
of himself. He then closes it off with some humor. Angela and Jillian are starting to talk. Angela calms down with her. She
says Jillian isn't that bad. She's being nice. That still doesn't mean Jillian isn't a slut. This voice is still annoying.