Hello, and welcome to my online reality. This site mixes
the Reality universe of Real World, Road Rules, Big Brother Survivor and the Real World/Road Rules Challenges. Possibly Celebrity
Mole as well. If you guys ever want to contact me, hit me up at edwardstrl725@gmail.com This is
for questions, comments, quotes you'd like me to add, links and affiliation. Thank you for your time.
Guys, I'm planning on doing a news page/people's comments. You can e-mail me @ edwardstrl725@gmail.com to give me any news or what you think of something I say or on any reality program.
News section is finally started. Please e-mail me if you find anything else.
Big Brother 06: Summer Of Secrets [Every Tuesday @ 9, Thursday @ 8, Saturday @ 8]
Real World/Road Rules: The Inferno 2 [Every Monday @ 10:00pm]
Real World 16: Austin [Coming Soon!]
Show not on this site:
Real World/Road Rules: The Gauntlet
Celebrity Mole 2: Yucatan
Survivor 8: All Stars
Real World/Road Rules: The Inferno
Real World 14: San Diego
Road Rules 13: Extreme
Big Brother 05: Project DNA
Survivor 09: Vanuatu
Real World/Road Rules: Battle of the Sexes 2
Real World 15: Philadelphia
Survivor 10: Palau
Keywords: 6 on 6, 98 Degrees,Aaron Bailey, Abe Ingersoll, Abram Boise, Adam King,
Adam Larson, Adria Okins, Afi Ekulona, Africa, Ahmad Rashad, Aimee, Al Spielmen, Alex Bell, Ali Gorman, Alicia Calaway, Alison
Irwin, All Stars, Allison Jones, Alton Williams, Amanda Graig, Amaya Brecher, Amazon, Amber Brkich, Ami Cusack, Amy Crews,
Amy Henry, Ananda Lewis, Anderson Cooper, Andre Comeau, Andrew Savage, Andy Litinsky, Aneesa Ferreira, Angela, Angie Everhart,
Anne Wharton, Antoine de Bouverie, Apprentice, Aqua Games, Arissa Hill, Ashlee Simpson, Austalia, Australia, Autobiography,
Autumn Daly, Ayanna Mackins, B.B. Andersen, Back To New York, Battle of the Seasons, Battle of the Sexes, Belou Den Tex, Beth
Anthony, Beth Stolarczyk, Big Brother, Bill "Bunky" Miller, Bill McDaniel, Bill Rancic, Blair Herter, Bob Paulhus, Borneo,
Boston, Bowie Hogg, Brad Fiorenza, Bradford Cohen, Brady Finta, Brandon Quinton, Brandon Showalter, Brian Lancaster, Brittany
Petros, Brook Geraghty, Brynn Smith, Burton Roberts, Butch Lockley, Cacee Cobb, Cameran Eubanks, Campus Crawl, Cara Nussbaum,
Cara Zavaleta, Carl Bilancione, Carlos Jackson, Carolyn Kepcher, Cassandra Waldon, Chad Crittenden, Chadwick Pelletier, Challenge,
Charlie Dordevich, Charlie McGowan, Chiara Berti, Chicago, Chris Beckman, Chris Daugherty, Chris Graebe, Chris Melling, Chris
Russo, Chris Tamburello, Christa Hastie, Christena Pyle, Christian Breivil, Christina Patsiksky, Christina Trainor, Christine,
Christy Smith, Clarence Black, Clay Jordan, Clyde 'Ace' Amerson, Colby Donaldson, Colin Mortensen, Colleen Haskell, Confessional,
Coral Smith, Corbin Bernsen, Cory Murphy, Curtis Kin, Cynthia Roberts, Da Band, Dan Renzi, Dan Setzler, Dana Varela, Daniel
Lue, Danielle Reyes, Danny Dias, Danny Roberts, Darrah Johnson, Darrell Tayler, Darwin Conner, Dave Giuntoli, Dave Johnson,
Dave Mirra, Dave Roth, David "Puck" Rainey, David Broom, David Burns, David Edwards, David Gould, David Lane, Debb Eaton,
Deena Bennett, Dennis Rodman, Derrick Kosinski, Devin Elston, Diane Henry, Diane Ogden, Diary Room, Dirk Been, Dolly Neely,
Dominic, Dominic Griffin, Donald Trump, Donnell Langham, Dorothy Hui, Drew Daniel, Drew Lachey, Eddie McGee, Eden's Crush,
Effie Perez, Elavia Bello, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Eliza Orlins, Elizabeth Jarosz, Elka Walker, Ellen Cho, Emily Bailey, Ereka
Vetrini, Eric Jones, Eric Nies, Eric Ouellete, Erik Von Detten, Erika Landin, Erika Ruen, Erin Collins, Ethan Zohn, Europe,
Eviction, Exemption, Face Off, Fear Factor, Femia, Flora Alekseyeun, Frank Garrison, Frank Roessler, Frankie Abernathy, Frederique
Van Der Wal, Gabriel Cade, Genesis Moss, George Boswell, George Ross, Gerry Lancaster, Gervase Peterson, Ghandia Johnson,Gina
Crews, Gladys Sanabria, Glen Naessens, Grayson, Greg Buis, Gretchen Cordy. Hardy Hill, Hawaii, Head Of Household, Heather
B., Heather Cambell, Heidi Bressler, Heidi Strobel, Helen Glover, Henry Wentz, Holly Brentson, Holly King, Holly Shand, Hunter
Ellis, Ibis, Immunity, Inner Circle, Irene Berrera-Kearns, Irene McGee, Irulan Wilson, Ivana Ma, Jacinda Barrett, Jack, Jack
Owens, Jacquese Smith, Jake Billingsley, Jake Bronstein, James Orlando, Jamie Chung, Jamie Kern, Jamie Murray, Jan Gentry,
Janet Choi, Janet Koth, Jase Wirey, Jason Cornwell, Jason Curis, Jason Dill, Jason Guy, Jay Frank, Jean Jordan, Jeanne Hebert,
Jed Hildebrand, Jee Choe, Jeff Probst, Jeff Varner, Jenna Lewis, Jenna Morasca,Jennifer Biondi, Jennifer Crisafulli, Jennifer
Dedmon, Jennifer Massey, Jeremy Blossom, Jerri Manthey, Jessica Simpson, Jessie Camacho, Jessie Conners, Jillian Zoboroski,
Jim Morrison, Jisela Delgado, Joanna Rhodes, JoAnna Ward, Jodi Weatherton, Joe Rogan, Joe Patane, Joe Simpson, Joel Klug,
John Carroll, John Kenney, John Palyok, John Raymond, John Willenborg, Jon Brennan, Jon Dalton, Jon Holmes, Jonny Mosley,
Josh Feinberg, Josh Souza, Joshua Florence, Judd Winick, Julie Berry, Julie Chen, Julie Oliver, Julie Stoffer, Jun Song, Justin
Deabler, Justin Giovinci, Justin Sebik, Kaia Beck, Kalle Dedolph, Kameelah Phillips, Karamo, Karen Fowler, Karen O'Neil-Ganci,
Kat Ogden, Kate Pahls, Kathryn, Kathryn Price, Kathy Griffin, Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, Kathy Whipple, Katie Doyle, Katie Mills,
Katrina Campins, Keith Famie, Kel Gleason, Kelfa Hare, Kelley Lamp, Kelly, Kelly Goldsmith, Kelly Perdew, Kelly Wigglesworth,
Ken Stafford, Kendal Sheppard, Kent Blackwelder, Keri Evans, Keshia Knight Pulliam, Kevin, Kevin Allen, Kevin Dunn, Kevin
Powell, Kim Coles, Kim Johnson, Kim Powers, Kimmi Kappenberg, Kina Dean, Kit Hoover, Krista Stegall, Kristi Frank, Kwame Jackson,
Kyle Brandt, Landon Lueck, Lars Schlichting, Las Vegas, Latane, Laterrian Wallace, Latin America, Laurel, Lea Lachey, Lea
Masters, Leah Gillingwater, Leann Slaby, Lex Van der Berghe, Lillian Morris, Linda Caruso, Linda Spencer, Lindsay Brien, Lindsey
Richter, Lisa Donahue, Lisa Keiffer, Lisa Noller,London, Lori Olson, Lori Trespicio, Lori Valenti, Los Angeles, Louis Osbourne,
M.J. Garrett, Making The Band, Malik Stevenson, Mallory Snyder, Manuel Herrera, Maralyn Hershey, Marcellas Reynolds, Maria
Boren, Mario Mendez, Mark Cuban, Mark Curry, Mark Long, Marquesas, Marvin Latimer, Marybeth Decker, Matt Simon, Matt Smith,
Matthew Von Ertfelda, Maximum Velocity Tour, Melanie, Melinda Varga, Melissa Howard, Melissa Padrón, Mia Galeotalanza, Miami,
Michael "Bribs" Bribiesca, Michael Boatman, Michael Ellis, Michael Skupin, Michelle Maradie, Michelle Parma, Michelle Tesauro,
Mike Lambert, Mike Lubinski, Mike Malin, Mike Mizanin, Missions, Mitchell Olson, Mohammed Bilal, Monica Bailey, Montana McGlynn,
Msaada Nia, Myra Brown, Natalie Okins, Nathan Blackburn, Nathan Marlow, Neil Forrester, Neleh Dennis, New Orleans, New York,Newlyweds,
Nick, Nick Brown, Nick Lachey, Nick Warnock, Nicole Delma, Nicole Jackson, Nicole Nilson Schaffrich, Nicole Richie, Noah Rickun,
Norman Korpi, Northern Trail, O-Town, Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, Osbornes, Oscar Hernandez, Osten Taylor, Outback, Ozzy,
P. Diddy, Pam Ling, Pamela Day, Paris, Paris Hilton, Paschal English, Patrice Boudibela, Patricia Jackson, Patrick Guilfoyle,
Patrick Maloney, Pawel Litwinski, Pearl Islands, Pedro Zamora, Penny Ramsey, Peter Harkey, Philadelphia, Piggy Thomas, Power
Of Veto, Project DNA, Pua Medieros, Rachel Braband, Rachel Campos, Rachel Robinson, Raj Bhakta, Ramona Gray, Randy Barry,
Raquel Duran, Real World, Rebecca Blasband, Rebecca Lord, Reward, Rich, Richard Hatch, Road Rules, Rob Cesternino, Rob Flanagan,
Rob Mariano, Rob Nelson, Robb Zbacnik, Robert DeCanio, Robert Marcato, Robert Roman, Robin Hibbard, Robin Himmler, Roddy Mancuso,Rodger
Bingham, Roger Sexton, Roni Martin, Rory Freeman, Rudy Boesch, Rupert Boneham, Ruthie Alcaide, RV, Ryan Aiken, Ryan Cabrera,
Ryan Opray, Ryan Shoulders, Sam Solovey, San Diego, San Francisco, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Sandy Ferreira, Sarah Baker, Sarah Becker,
Sarah Greyson, Sarah Jones, Sarah Martinez, Scene 23, Scott Long, Scott Weintraub, Scout Cloud Lee, Sean Duffy, Sean Kenniff,
Sean Rector, Seattle, Semester At Sea, sequestered house, Shane Landrum, Shannon Dragoo, Sharon, Sharon Gitau, Shawn, Shawn
Cohen, Shawn Sealy, Shawna Mitchell, Shayne McBride, Shelley Spottedhorse, Sheryl Braxton, Shii Ann Huang, Shovonda, Silas
Gaither, Simon, Simple Life, Sonja Christopher, Sophia Pasquis, South Pacific, Spencer, Stacey Stillman, Stacie Jones Upchurch,
Stacy Rotner, Stephanie Dill, Stephen Baldwin, Stephen Williams, Steve Meinke, Steven Cowles, Steven Hill, Survivor, Susan
Hawk, Suzie Meister, Syrus Yarbrough, Tami Anderson, Tammy Lee, Tammy Leitner, Tanya Vance, Tara McDaniel, Teck Holmes, Ted
Rogers, Teresa Cooper, Thailiand, The Benefactor, The Ex-Factor, The Gauntlet, The Inferno, The Islands, The Mole, The Quest,
Theo Gantt, Theo Vonkurnatowski, Tiffany Weisser, Tijuana Bradley, Tim Beggy, Tina Barta, Tina Simpson, Tina Wesson, Tom Buchanan,
Tonya Cooley, Tonya Paoni, Tracey Gold, Travis Sampson, Tribes, Trish Dunn, Trishelle Cannatella, Troy McClain, Twila Tanner,
Ultimate Reward, USA (First Adventure), USA (Second Adventure), Vanuatu, Vecepia Towery, Veronica Portillo, Victim, Vince
Forcier, Vote Off, Wendi Wendt, Wes Moss, Will Kirby, Will Wikle, William, William Collins, William Hernandez, Winabago, X
The Dog, X-Treme, Yes Duffy, Zoe Zanidakis