Natalie and cowboy up and he felt betrayed. Natalie campaigned. Natlie's ass is out. Marvin is back in power. Lots of shit
tonight. Marvin says the mood has changed. Jennifer was happy it was a 4 to 1 vote. Adria was happy Natalie was there with
her. Diane would want to throw a party. Since Adria is there. Karen feels bad. Michael says he lost a friend. Marvin says
you survived and pat yourself on the back. Marvin got power again. He says it's immunity for the week. Karen feels better
to be just behind the scenes. Michael calls Marvin a wildcard. Jennifer feels pretty safe. Drew is scared. Adria says he'll
focus towards Diane & Drew. Michael and Marvin jump in the pool. Diane has a bad feeling she'll be up and out. Diane says
she wants Adria & Cowboy up. Jennifer says best option is to put him and Diane. Diane says he'll put up Karen and Cowboy.
He got some letters. Michael is jealous. Diane says she doesn't care anymore unless it's her room. Marvin feels on top of
the world. What a surprise. Marvin tells Diane she got a free pass this week. Diane says he'll always be safe in her book.
Diane wants to be final 2 with Marvin. Diane is on everybody's side if Adria and Cowboy go. Smart move.
Drew asks Jennifer how many piercings she has. She has 18. Drew says he doesn't even wanna know where they are. She liks
guys with nipple clamps. Drew is impressed and scared of Jennifer at the same time. Diane says Jennifer is a sexpert. Drew
and Diane are shocked. The stone room is a gym room. Karn loves it. Marvin loves it. Now we're already getting to nominations.
Adria says putting him up may be against her. Jennifer says Marvin is a wildcard. Micheal wants to survive one week at a time.
Drew is nervious. Diane believes him. Marvin is looking to save his ass. Karen doesn't feel safe with Marvin. He's ready,
let's get it started. Marvin says it's not a personal attack or whatever. Karen is safe. Jennifer is safe. Diane is safe.
Drew is safe. Adria and Michael are up. Adria says she's won 3 out of 4. He respects Adria. He says Michael has to look out
for her so they gotta be up there together.
Now time for hugs and shit. Michael talks to Marvin. Marvin says it was simply business. Marvin said he made a deal with
Will. Adria and Michael talk. She says she's gonna play with integrity. Please bitch. That went out 2 weeks ago. Karen says
she'd be scared if she used it. Karen knows it's bad for her. Adria says a lot has gone down since week 2. Diane says Drew's
lucky he's safe in the house. Karen is shocked that Diane made a deal with everybody. Karen says that's bad. Karen says that
promise was stupid. She says Diane is playing with fire. There's a surprise. They see the possibility of a phone call from
home. Drew wants his brother to call. Adria says it's the best gift she could get. It's a bunch of crap.
The phone rings. Drew answers it and it's April. She's coaching her sons soccer team. He's crying for a change. They all
say hello. Her dad says stop crying otherwise he'll stick his boot up his butt. That's fucking classic. He thanks America
for voting for him to win the America's Choice. Karen tells her that she would try and doesn't know if she'd be able to use
it. Karen says she won't throw this competition this week. Adria keeps her fingers crossed. Marvin picks Drew. Michael picks
Jennifer. Adria picks Karen. Diane is the host. They all have garbage man suits. There are giant ice cubes. They have to melt
the cube. With a watergun. First player to get the veto thing gets it and they have to hit the buzzer. Michael just wanted
to melt the ice. Michael started beating on the ice. They then used the pool for water. Marvin says Drew and Michael just
beat the ice. Karen went for the veto. Adria wanted the T. Karen then gunned hard for the veto. Adria got the tool box. Adria
dumped salt on the ice. Karen nabbed the veto. Karen is less of a loser now. Marvin says it was the last nail in her coffin.
That's great. Bye bye bitch.
Adria talks to Karen about the veto. Karen doesn't want to put anybody else in jeopardy. Karen feels what will it be like
if she does save x or y. Karen says nobody has wronged her. She doesn't know what the hell she's gonna do. She says this is
the worst. Veto meeting time. Michael wants Drew up. Why, I don't know. Karen is ready for reasoning. Adria says she has had
interesting commitments. Adria says Michael doesn't deserve to be there. Michael says he'll respect her decision. He says
give me the veto. Karen doesn't feel confident in using the veto. Michael thinks he's on his own. Karen says his cockyness
could get to him. Adria wants a teammate.