Natalie gone hurt Adria. Marvin is back into power. Diane and everybody else has anxeity. Adria and Micheal were
up. Karen finally won something. Adria kissed ass and now one needs to get the boot. Natalie gone last week and Adria could
go this week. Karen kept noms as it. They'll be the third jury member. It's a double eviction week. Somebody goes on Saturday
as well. Adria thinks she has no chance. Karen says she respects Karen but nobody else. Diane says Adria is the plague. Diane
says Adria is always up in Karen's business. Adria wants to work on Karen. Adria kisses Karen's ass. Adria has no alliance.
I hate her. She's such a bitch. Evict her ass. She doesn't think final 2, just to next week. Adria says she can't talk to
Diane. Adria wants a tie. Fucking bitch, he wants you out. Diane keeps talking shit. She's talking to herself. Her ass is
just as crazy as Karen. Drew is unclear of what he can do. Diane doesn't know what the hell is bothering him. Karen talks
to Drew about Adria. Karen sorta wants Adria around. They think it won't get easier. Karen was so happy she finally won. Michael
thanks everybody for the phone call. I don't know why he won it though. Drew says after Big Brother life will be easier. Jennifer
says it's been smooth sailing ever since she quit. Diane and Karen first. Diane says Adria is so competitive. Karen says Cowboy
is a rat. Diane says Michael takes being on the block like a man.
Marvin wants to break up Drew and Diane up next. Marvin gives Diane a little peck. Michael tells Drew they kissed.
Drew says it pissed him off. He called Diane out on it. Diane says nothing happened. Drew says Diane has a right to not being
as trusting. What the fuck is wrong with these two. She starts crying. Drew says he's looking for a reason to get out. He
then says he's kidding. He says it's done if she does it again. Diane doesn't know who to trust. Diane talks to Michael. She
says it's like a relationship on steriods. Diane wants Marvin gone. Diane just wants him out first. Diane tells Drew who gives
a shit what people say in this house. Marvin says he wants Adria out because she's strong physically and mentally. He says
he joined Diane, sort of. Diane promised to keep him. He said he can't trust her. Drew and Jennifer time. Jennifer calls Adria
wants what she wants. Drew doesn't want to lose Cowboy. Jennifer says Michael is trying to lay low. Jennifer says she'll break
group promises. Drew says she keeps promises to him.
The jury show gets to see part of the show. Will loves the day. Will thinks nature is trying to send him a message.
Will is alone with Natalie for a week. Natalie says it was genuwine. Will says she would never be able to undo the wrongs
she did. They poor some champaigne. Will says he is the better man. Will said he would have won this. He said karma wapped
the bitch in the head. She's now confusing Will. Michael says it's harder to be against Adria then Natalie. He says same things
apply from last week. Adria says this game is about trusting people. Adria says she's done her absolute best this week. Jennifer
is first up. She votes out Adria. Drew is next. He votes out Adria. Diane is last and makes it a clean sweep. The other bitch
is finally gone.
Time for the votes. Adria is gone without a single vote against Michael. Adria says she's glad she upheld what
she has done. She says god bless them all. What a big fucking crock. Marvin and Adria fight. This is fucking great. She laughs.
Marvin says she got a whole lot of mouth. Diane tells Marvin to calm down. Diane says she doesn't want their votes. Marvin
says she makes him want to vomit. Diane says a weight off her shoulders. They starts dropping f-bombs. Adria says based on
who makes it to the that's how she'll vote. Adria says it's fair place. Adria says it wasn't a surprise. They were born back
to back so they're out back to back. Jennifer says she kept true to her promise. Marvin says she was a hardtime gamer. Michael
kisses ass. Diane says there was no trust. Karen says she's in self preservation mode. Drew says he's never looked up to somebody
as much as her. Adria wanted to pull some more fight out of Karen and Drew. Adria likes another is going soon.
It's time for Head of Household competition. The game is called chemical reaction. If they're wrong, they're out.
Last person standing is new HoH. Everybody got the first question right. Jennifer is out. Diane is now out. All three got
it right. Michael is now out. Karen and Drew are the only two left. Drew got it. This is bogus, man. Drew is excited and is
nervous. He just wants a letter. He wants a letter from Ben. Later on tonight there will be another nomination ceremony. They're
all worried if he'll be Head of Household for the week.