Marvin kissing Diane to breakup Drew and Diane. Adria and Michael up. She was campaigning for votes. That dumb outcast
bitch. Adria leaving the house talking shit. Drew is our new Head of Household tonight. There will be a new Head of Household
at the end of the night. Diane walked away before she could say anything. Karen said it was intense. She said it was the worst
eviction next. Marvin was all up in her grill. Diane is so happy the bitch is out. Adria came in lying and decieving. Marvin
is in the spotlight. Diane says she won't walk out bitter. Karen threw it. Diane loved it that Drew won it. He got more Miami
stuff. Diane calls his brother hot. He liked reading that letter. Marvin says his letter was twice as good as his. Drew talks
to Cowboy about who to put up. Drew wanted to talk to everybody before the night was over. Marvin said he might put up Drew
last week. He wanted Diane to tell him. Diane doesn't get why Drew is so pissed off about this. Drew says Diane should tell
him. Drew doesn't know what the hell is going on. Diane leaves his room, crying. She's a little bitch. Karen goes and conforts
her. She doesn't remember even hearing that. Diane says don't be surprised if I'm up. Get the fuck out, bitch.
It's time for the nominations. Karen is safe. Michael is safe. Jennifer is safe. Marvin and Diane. Drew says he's gonna
be straight up. Drew says Marvin is a salesman. Diane is up because of the talk earlier. He basically says he can't trust
her. That's all. Marvin calls Drew spineless. Diane doesn't know what's going on. Karen and Drew talk. Diane tells Marvin
she's not a pawn. Diane says he doesn't trust her. She's a pissy little bitch. Diane feels like Drew is a different person.
Diane says this makes them seem not as close as everybody thinks they are. Drew said it was all an act. He wants her to be
natural. Drew wants natural reactions not to tell her what to do. They trust each other. Diane walks out there's Marvin, but
he doesn't go in.
Diane says anybody but Marvin. Diane says she doesn't want anybody up besides him. It looks like Skeeball. They fastest
to bounce the ball in each hole. Marvin says Cowboy is the least coordinated person on the earth. Cowboy sucks. 3:47 for Micheal.
Karen was next. Karen said it was fun. 1:37 for her. Jennifer is up next. Marvin says his had a forcefield. 2:08 for her.
Drew goes now. It took him 1:29. Diane says she will bleed for the veto. 1:20 for Diane. Marvin must beat 1:20. Marvin was
thinking what would Kobe do. 2:02 for him. Diane has the veto. Marvin knows it's his ass that's gonna be out. Marvin says
shit. What an asshole. She says she's okay either way. Marvin gives Diane no reason. He says she should save herself. She
saves herself. Drew needs to put somebody else up. Jennifer goes up. Karen says Diane casts shadow of doubt on her. Marvin
says for him to stay there's gotta be an act of god and congress.
Time to talk to the nominees. Marvin says it's good to get to know you. Nik says they know her and follow your hearts.
Michael is first. He votes out Marvin. Karen's turn now. She takes Marvin out. There you go. Solid vote. Diane makes it 3
to 0. Marvin says it's all business. He leaves and takes his walk. Cowboy says he took it like a man. Diane says he hates
her. Marvin wanted Diane to talk Drew to put up Cowboy. Marvin took issue with it. He says it's cool and he ain't got no problem.
Marvin kisses Julie's ass. Next up is the next Head of Household contest.
It's time for the missing items competition. Karen and Jennifer notice the missing things. As does Cowboy. Diane is the
last to notice shit. Drew can't compete. Whoever has the most at the end wins. If they're wrong, they're done. Michael gets
the first one right. Diane gets the second one. Michael gets the third. Jennifer gets the fourth. Karen got the fifth. Diane
got the sixth. Diane got it wrong and is eliminated. Jennifer got the seventh. She is the Head of Household yet again.