Drew put up Diane & Marvin. Diane cried. What a bitch. Drew says it was all his plan. Karen says she wants
Marvin out. Diane used her veto and Nokomis went up. She said she wouldn't use it. Out Marvin went. Jennifer won Head of Household
again. Jennifer said if Marvin had a month, he couldn't save himself. Karen held his hand because he will be part of the jury.
Marvin didn't give Diane a hug. Jennifer says Marvin hates her. Michael says he took it like a man. Jennifer says she didn't
want HoH again. She said it was better than Cowboy winning. Karen wanted it. Jennifer knows that she made a deal with Diane
and Karen. Karen wanted it so she couldn't kick out her brother. Drew knows he's going up. Diane says it's getting boring.
There's a picture of her and her sister. Michael says he wants to see his sisters. Karen says Jennifer may be making enemies.
Nik wants it to be fair. Cowboy kisses ass to Jennifer. She tells him that he won't go if there s a tie. Karen says she doesn't
have a commitment with Diane. Jennifer lied about the veto. She says her morals rip her heart to shreads. It's tough for her.
Michael is always doing martial arts. He's fucking crazy. Diane says she doubts he's done any karate. Diane says
her mom was a black belt. Jennifer says in an alley fight, he would gte beat down. Diane and Drew wanna put her up and out.
Diane doesn't want the girls to pick each other over her. Diane and Drew are so stuck up. Drew says they might put them up
together. Diane wants to keep Cowboy and Drew safe. They all are talking shit and laughing. These bitches are crazy. Please
shut the fuck up.
Diane hates the fish. She says they named the fish. Jennifer says the fishes have names. They all hump the shark.
Diane refers to one of the fishes as Marvin because he annoys everybody. Nomination time. Jennifer says how can we get the
mean people out to now who can take me final 2. Jennifer puts the keys in and it's nomination time. She said it was hard at
first then easy. She respects everybody. Diane's safe. Karen's safe. The boys are up. She says may the best man win. She says
good luck with the veto. Diane says she needs to take Drew off the block. Diane talks to Michael in Head of Household. Diane
says try your best if you don't know what's going down. Drew wants to take Michael final two. They say don't tell Diane. Take
out the two lesser horsemen.
Cowboy and Drew do a quick prayer before the veto competition. This is bullshit. Shut up. Nobody cares, jackass.
They're all into prayer and shit. They each need to take a cage. They need to unlock themselves and turn the light on. They
each lock themselves in. Drew and Diane shared as did Michael. They put the putters together. Jennifer said it was odd but
whatever. Karen was making some sort of fishing device. Diane and Drew kept putting tape. Jennifer is getting close to the
key. Diane got the key and had to guess which one opened the lock. Karen said it was a good contraption. Diane is glad she
won veto. Jennifer isn't worried. Michael and Diane need each other right now. Karen says Diane may want to play god. Jennifer
and Karen are gonna ask her. Jennifer and Karen are looking worried at Diane. They're both lost in mind.
Diane tells Jennifer about the two promises one to him and one to Jennifer. Diane doesn't want to risk her relationship.
Jennifer says he shouldn't take it personal. She says Karen is nervous. Jennifer is worried for Diane. Diane just lies like
the lying bitch she is. Just keep lying you evil bitch. I hope the cows eat her ass. Drew says it's his first time up and
wants Diane to keep game and personal seperate. Michael says she should take him off because he took her off. Diane talks
shit and says she respects Cowboy. She uses it on Drew. Karen is now up there with Michael. Karen wants to spell it out to
Diane. One will be evicted in a few days.