Diane betrayed the girls and saved Drew's ass. Jennifer put up her girl, Karen's ass up. Diane made a plan to get rid of
Karen. Karen questioned Diane's committment. Karen was evicted. Diane & Drew backdoored her. Drew won Head of Household
again. Michael was so happy he stayed. Diane says she didn't backdoor Karen. Jennifer tells Karen that she wasn't surprised.
Karen knew it more than her. Jennifer says she's not gonna hate because she sees it from a strategic part. Jennifer says it
was a good game move. Jennifer needs to make it seems she trusts Diane. Diane knows she's not going to win. Diane knows she's
not getting the money. Jennifer says Diane takes it too hard. Drew is happy that he's final 3. Michael says he took his pride
over letting Michael win. Michael is being a whiny bitch again. Jennifer thinks it's her and one of them. Diane thinks she's
going up. What a dumb bitch. Drew got another shirt. Diane wants to take one. Michael wants country music. What a fucking
ass. Jennifer names Drew's fake plant. Michael is still upset. Diane is getting chunky. Jennifer says she went from a 0 to
a 1. Diane knows she'll drop it once she leaves. What a bitchy girl. Drew says Diane has growthage. Michael complains about
the girls talking about being fat. Drew wants Diane and Michael in the final 3. Michael is upset that Jennifer wants her out.
Diane says she can't vote Jennifer out or break any promises. What a bunch of douchebags.
They look at the tiny table. Drew says it's a milestone. Jennifer is happy. The four youngest people are left. Michael
says Scott & Jase should be proud. Diane says she's never been in love before. Drew says Diane isn't her girlfriend. Drew's
gonna go to Kentucky. Drew says Diane has a track record. She kissed Scott & Marvin. Drew wants to see if the feelings
continue after this whole joint. They get steaks. Michael is the chef. They're all worried about the steak. Diane says she
feels bad for them. Drew says it's a bunch of roadkill. Drew doesn't like Michael's cooking. Jennifer says Cowboy ruined them.
Diane is scared about being up. Diane doesn't want to vote Jennifer out. Diane thinks she may get voted out. Vote that bitch
Diane calls Drew a dork. Diane hates Drew's goonies shirt. Drew hates Jennifer's clothes. Jennifer hates Diane's pants.
Drew saw a tar bucket, flames and all this shit. Jennifer hated seeing her clothes there. It's trashing the fashion. They
get to get rid of stuff. Jennifer flings Michael's shorts over the wall. Drew put Diane's shirt in the tar. Cowboy slings
Jennifer's pants. Diane puts Jase's shirt on fire. Diane gets rid of Diane's Texas t-shirt. Drew sets Jennifer's shirt on
fire. Diane deep fried Drew's shirt. Thankfully. Drew calls Diane evil. They get 15 seconds to get rid of something. Jennifer
kept her clothes. Diane and Michael do it. Drew decides to slingshirt his shirt. Drew lost the basketball shorts. He lets
the girls sling his clothes. Drew likes Diane getting naked. Drew was upset she had cheerleading shorts on. They have 2:45
to get whatever clothes they can.
There's so much shit to get. They had to put it on and exit. Diane grabbed whatever. Drew hated the hangers. Jennifer says
it was fast. Michael tells his wife to make room. They all make it out. Drew loved his clothes. Diane is happy for a week
or two. Cowboy got another hat. Michael says western clothes is expensive. Jennifer loves her black stuff. Drew and Michael
play a trick on Diane. Michael cracks up when Diane comes back. She says she almost kissed Michael. Drew and Diane may be
related. Jennifer says it's possible. Drew says she sounds like his mom. That would be fucking crazy. Diane says it would
be sick. She says their kid will have 3 legs and a few noses. Drew says he rather not. Diane is nervious. Diane is so stupid.
Drew is trying to be confident. Drew and Diane are so confident that Cowboy will keep her. He shouldn't though.
It's time for the nominations. Drew says it's very important. Drew says they all worked hard to get to this point. Diane
hopes nothing falls through. Michael says Drew's word is good. Jennifer says it'll be her vs. cowboy. Drew says the final
4 couldn't be any better. Drew says they're all pretty mature. It's that time again. Only one key now. It's the final nomination
ceremony. Michael is safe. Jennifer is up basically as an eye for an eye. Drew says personal and game are two different things.
He says the girls are close. Jennifer says it's a cop out. Jennifer knows the horsemen are still together. Diane wants Michael
to win the veto. Michael is worried that he may be done.