Coral is right. The guys feel they can do everything and win. Now the Real World team has one girl. Coral is standing up
for Irulan. Darrell gets in it because he thinks Coral's wrong. Everybody hated Irulan. The Real World team feels Sarah is
getting screwed. Theo knows that she's not t he only bad sport. Lying asshole. Cara talks shit about Nate because she's a
cunt. Coral knows nobody clapped for Sarah. Theo is calling Real World and Road Rules bad sports. What about him? Veronica
looks at the cards. Who fucking cares? Sarah talks about people not liking Veronica. Does she not know people don't like her.
Coral knows she's screwed. Girls are going, she feels if she goes, she's getting fucked over. Coral tells Mike she's just
as important as Nate or Theo or Alton. Coral would rather burn her eyes out with cigarettes than go to the gauntlet. That's
how bad she wants it. Theo and Adam talk about Veronica going. They rather have shitty people than her crap ass attitude.
I don't believe that. Darrell looks scared as hell. He hates heights. Hopefully his ass sucks.
We see this mission. Everybody is scared. Darrell hates heights. Hopefully his ass falls off so he'll go the gauntlet.
Nathan is first and he sees it's hard. It takes him under a minute to complete it. They go through several people in a frenzy.
They show like Adam, Roni, Sarah, Rachel, Norm, Theo, Darrell, Mike and such. Real World's Theo they focus on how well he
does. He thinks it's him versus Coral. He takes a good half minute. We get to Alton who is like a monkey on this. It takes
him under 20 seconds to do that shit. It's bananas.
Coral and Veronica are up last. They both have awesome times. Coral has the 2nd best Real World time. Veronica humps the
ladder. Mike gets aroused. I just find it hella amusing. Then they announce Real World wins. Alton and Veronica get the lifesavers.
Theo gets pissed because she can't go. Veronica is excited. I don't understand why. Oh, because her ass is saved. Everybody
shakes hands and shit. They then get to the meeting. Adam says whoever loses this gauntlet gets fucked big time. Cara brings
up Sarah's name because she's the only other person that would probably go. Bitch, you decided to keep Sarah. She's done her
fair share. It's a vote between Dave, Cara and Darrell. Cara wins and heads to the gauntlet. Real World meeting is heavy.
Everybody knows it's a battle between Coral and Theo. Coral and Theo speak their piece and neither can vote for themselves
because they feel they aren't the weakest. Norman says flat out, his friendship with Coral is stronger than this vote, so
a vote goes Theo's way. Atleast he has balls unlike, Mike. Mike does throw his vote to Theo because he thinks they'll need
a girl at the end, plus she's won a gauntlet. It's 3-1, Alton votes for Coral because Theo has been more consistant. When
Nathan votes for her, she goes crazy. She think it's crap if it's 5 guys and no girls. She knows she hasn't sucked horribly.
Next week Alton decides between Theo and Coral. I think he'll swap his vote Theo's way.