Drew nominating the ladies and keeping his homeboy safe. Michael winning his first competition. He had the power
of veto and all that shit. He voted out his sister. Who is gonna make the final two? Hopefully, none of these idiots. In 5
days somebody is gonna have $500,000. There's gonna be part three of the Head of Household competition live. They were standing
on the shakey rocks and all that jazz. They need to keep their hands on the key. They like it before it starts shaking and
shit. Cowboy felt it was like riding a bull. Diane felt in the dark. Michael again being an asshole. Michael says he did it
for Michael and Chason. Drew is happy that it's one less person that needs to go. Diane misses Nik. Michael helps Diane with
her hair and took a hand off. Diane appologizes. Drew said the plan was let Diane win. The middle shaft then starts dropping.
Diane says she's the queen of endurance. Diane fell off at 46 minutes. Drew was upset Diane lost. Drew doesn't trust Diane
anymore. Diane gets all bitchy at Drew. Michael and Diane were told the same thing. Win round one so Drew wins round 2. What
Diane and Michael compete in part 2. There are two DNA bars. They need to get the faces on. If they're wrong they
may have to go to the beginning. Michael messed up on the margarita thing, Diane had no problem. Diane got the first two right.
Michael kept missing up. Michael finally got it. They have to all get slid off. Diane got the third wrong, Cowboy and Diane
got stuck on the morphed twins. Michael got it first. Michael got the next one. Diane was so frustrated. Cowboy got to the
eighth one and won. Diane was so upset she lost. Diane was crying because she lost to Cowboy. Diane's inside crying and they
talk about going Final 2. Diane says he doesn't deserve to be there. It's so fucking true. Drew misses Scott the most out
of everybody. Fuck that dumb fucking idiot. Michael says everybody. Diane misses Will and Lori. Drew says Marvin & Karen
are scaring him. Michael says nobody. Diane says Holly.
Time to look at the original 5 houseguests gone. Mike thinks it's Drew & Cowboy at the end. Mike is being a
dumbass. Here's Lori. She took the money and ran. Lori is glad she took the money. That was a very good idea. Scott says he's
getting autographs all over. Scott was upset about Jase's video. They don't talk anymore. Holly & Jase are still together.
Jase says things got better minus the money. Holly is truthful about the relationship. Jase hasn't talked with Scott. Lori
hated Will's exit. She found it funny. She finds it funny cause Adria didn't know what it meant. Mike says Diane impressed
him. Jase hopes Michael wins it. Jase would vomit if Drew & Diane wins. Holly says they're there for themselves. She's
rooting for Holly. Scott says Drew should vote out Michael.
Part three is up next. They're evicting the final houseguest. Drew and Michael are ready for this. They need to
know the former houseguests. It's based on the six jurors. Karen said her biggest regret was not breaking up Drew & Diane
or voting out Adria. They both got it wrong, it was brekaing them up. Natalie wants to maintain a friendship with Michael
or Drew. They both said themself. Drew was correct. Marvin said he would hate to be related to would be Holly or Michael.
He said Michael and Drew was correct. Jennifer says Michael or Jase's behaviour shocked her the most. They both said Michael
and is correct. Adria said the best minipulator was Diane or Will. Michael got it right, it was Diane. Will said if he had
to marry a houseguest it would be Drew or Scott. He said Scott and Drew won again.
Time for Drew to evict one. Michael says he should stay because they had a word since day 1. He says they're brothers.
Diane says whatever decision he makes, she'll respect him and all that good old stuff. Drew says it was hard. He says he's
sorry that it's just strategy. He votes out Diane. She's crying and all that shit. She's pissed as hell. Michael is crying
now. Drew and Michael are both crying and shit. Diane is shocked and knows why he did it. Diane thinks she was put out the
jury would vote her over him. She says he looked at the numbers. Diane could beat Michael in the end. Diane feels it's real.
Diane hopes to continue the relationship. Diane says she probably would have put Drew out. She wanted Cowboy out earlier.
Diane was happiest about winning HoH. Michael says they grew closer as the weeks progress. Drew says things happen for a reason.
He says later in life they realize it. Diane feels it's the biggest decision. The guys are in the end. Drew is excited to
go final 2. He says they were boys since day one. Michael is worried about Diane & Jennifer the most. What a surprise.