Julie is standing in front of the house. We're down to two. They'll all vote live and all that shit. We started
with 14. The original twist of Michael and Jennifer being family and then the start of the four horsemen. They took control
of the house. The girls formed an alliance. Drew putting up Holly and screwing shit up. Scott going. Then Adria's twin, Natalie
walks right out. They all wanted Jase out. Then the twins started their power trip and took out Will. Jennifer putting the
twins up. Both going in two weeks. The girls wanted the guys out. Marvin gone. Diane screwing over Karen. Michael taking out
his sister, Jennifer. Drew was the final Head of Household and picking between his girl and his boy. He takes out Diane. It's
Drew and Michael final 2. All this shit comes to the end. Somebody gonna gte $500,000. 82 days ago, 14 people started to win
half a million. 12 are gone and we're at two. The jury will cast their votes live. The 6 people waited for the jurors. It's
Diane to join them. Marvin lights a cigar in Diane's honor. Diane told them that Drew kicked her out. Marvin asks Adria why
is she defending Drew. Adria and Natalie bullshit. Diane says Michael flew under the radar and hid behind people. Karen agrees
with Diane. Will says Cowboy could have been playing the game. Jennifer says Cowboy doesn't see that blood is thicker than
water. Karen says Drew lied. Diane thinks Cowboy hasn't lied. That's hilarious. Will says they could not lie. Karen says she
rather be on the jury than lose her morals. Will says Michael always stood true. Jennifer says Cowboy just rode the ride.
They all say it's gonna be rough.
The winner will be named after the jury votes. Now the Q&A round. Will wants Drew to tell why Michael shouldn't
win. Drew says he had to make more strategic decisions than Cowboy. Natalie asks Michael to give three strategic moves. He
says being with the four horsemen. Winning the veto and being himself. Adria asks why Cowboy should win. He says he wants
to have a dude ranch. Marvin asks Drew about Diane. He admits that he said Lori was attractive. And hopes voting him out was
not held against him. Marvin asks Michael about being racist. He says he was not racist. He says he was against Scott and
Jase and the other time was against his sister. He's an asshole. Karen says to Drew why did he burn her. Drew says they all
felt bad after she left. Jennifer says that he could have said no when she put him up. Michael says that he should have said
no. Michael says he tried every competition but the veto. Diane asks Drew about the goodbye message. Drew says that he's sorry
it wasn't as heartfelt as she thought it would be. Michael says he should win because since day 1 he played as himself. He
says he's not racist. He appologizes to Jennifer. Drew says that he played the game to the best of his ability. He says he
made risky moves and all that shit. Karen says Michael wants to win because he's a cowboy. Diane says Drew lied to each of
them. Drew said it was rough but nothing can prepare you for it. He says he hopes things aren't as bad as them seemed. Michael
says it hurt that people said he did nothing in the game. Drew is worried about Marvin. He thinks Marvin could sway the votes.
Michael dittos it. Here come the evictees. They will cast their votes live, next.
It's vote casting time. They get two keys. They will insert the key of whom they want to win. Adria is first. She
says they were both awesome. She puts her key in. Natalie is next. She congradulates both. She says they both lived it day
by day. Karen is third. Karen says thanks for making her miss the shopping spree. She says they're both winners. Marvin says
it's nothing personal. He casts his vote. Diane is up next. She says they both deserve to be there. Jennifer is next. She
says they both played a good game. Lastly is Will. Will says they both have such great potential. He says use your money to
make a difference. The votes are in. Mike, Lori, Holly, Scott and Jase are back, next.
Now the first five gone who saw it all. Mike, Lori, Scott, Jase and Holly are back. Julie says they are the rowdyness.
Jase says Marvin was like hanging out alone. Scott and Jase aren't on speaking terms because of Holly. Scott backed Drew.
Marvin says Scott was jealous. Holly says she doesn't care either way with Diane. He told Jase to give the cat to whoever
he wants to lose. Holly and Diane say they shared clothes and shit. Holly says she has plenty of good girl friends. Mike says
there is a lot to catch up. He says Karen backstabbed everybody. He said she had no loyalty. Karen says she was so loyal to
a fault. She ousted Will. Adria and Karen are talking. Scott says he was in the four horsemen. Scott says Marvin was just
a pawn. Marvin knew it wasn't. He just wanted to be in the group. Lori says she wasn't a paid actress. Marvin said he was
feeding people that. Mike says Diane was the best player strategicly. Votes are next.
Tonight we're gonna reveal the winner. Drew and Michael are awaiting the votes. Julie will pull the keys. Adria
voted Michael. Natalie voted for Michael. Karen voted for Drew. Marvin voted for Drew. Diane voted for Drew. Jennifer voted
for Michael. Will voted for Drew. It's over and done Drew has won. Out comes Ben when Drew walks out. Everybody is going crazy.
Housecalls is having a reunion too. Drew says he is so overjoyed that they voted for him. Here comes Drew's twin and parents
and Michael's wife and son. Michael is crying again for a fucking change.