Edward's Online Reality

Vanuatu: Episode 07

Edward's Playlist

Rory plays the angry black man card. He plays up the haters card. Twila and Julie feel volunerable. Rory says he's not gonna try if he's gone next. Lopevi won reward. Eliza hated losing. Rory found his opening to the womens alliance. Sarge and Twila work together. Lisa pissed off Ami after Lopevi wins immunity. Ami's hateration ends the girls bind. Lopevi is bringing stuff back. Everybody is doing their share but John K. He's tired and bored because everybody is doing all the work. Chad says John's getting away with stuff. Chris says John isn't coasting through this game. Rory is praying again. Somebody needs to slap him. He's thankful that he's safe. He talks to LeAnn and Ami. He asks what does Eliza bring to the table. Ami says sit on your butt and don't cuss at me. The Yasur people have decided Rory is next. He goes into self destruct mode. He says Yasur will burn if he goes. Reward challenge. They need to fill a glass jar with coconut juice. They go to a cafe with coffee and shit. They get to take coffee back to the tribe if they win. Sarge sits out for Lopevi. Eliza and John start. Eliza is a bit ahead. Eliza gets a bit. John gets about the same. Chad and Leann are up next. Chad makes up time. Scout deliberately drops her juice. Lopevi and Yasur are close. LeAnn and Julie are up. LeAnn is leading. Yasur wins reward.

Eliza sees a bulliten board with tons of pictures. They all point out all the shit. It's so useless. They make some coffee. Each gets a letter. Leann and Ami love the letters. Scout has pictures of her and Annie. Ami got a letter from both parents. She says she's having a rough one. Her little brother was killed 7 years ago. Rory's wife tells him not to get angry. Rory and Ami said they'll be drinking coffee before immunity. Well, duh. The Lopevi girls talk. They've both been approached for final 4. Julie was told Chad, Chris and Sarge would be with each of them in the final 4. Julie basically lied and has Twila on her side. They plan on working together. Julie says it's so unlikely to be them as an alliance.

They got treemail. They have to practice shooting marbles. Sarge says they're gonna win. John K. says it's strategy now. He doesn't wanna go to Tribal. Rory is ready to win. He thinks it's all the coffee his ass had. Rory knows if he loses, he's as good as gone. They need to knock to knock out 20 tiles. Chris is sitting out. Rory and Chad are first. Chad hits one. Rory flips over one. Ami and Julie are next. They both miss. Scout and Sarge are up. They both get one. Leann and Twila are up. Eliza and John are next. LeAnn is done. Ami is finished. Julie is done. Lopevi needs three Yasur needs 2. Rory hits the last one, not finishing it. Yasur has won immunity. This fucking sucks.

The girls love Rory now. He wants Ami gone first. Ami says Rory got cocky with his winnings. Ami thinks Julie or Twila is going home tonight. Rory is just a huge ass. Sarge says this makes the tribes equal now. It can go either way. Chad doesn't trust Julie. Chris says keeping John may help the guys. He's not sure if Julie will jump back with the women. John talks to Chris. John says he has to put faith in Chris. John wants to get Chad out because he'll get the sympathy vote to win. John says to Twila and Julie to vote off Chad because it's sympathy. John says tonight, he'll find out where he stands in the game. Chris says it seemed like they were dominating, then they won by a couple. Chad notices who is with who when they go searching around. Chris says they all have a role. Sarge says Twila finds exotic foods and gtes fire wood. He would not feel stressed if Twila took no naps. Chad says there are different perceptions of people. He feels he can catch the liars and cheaters. Julie says they mesh well. Chris is basing his vote on trust. Then his future. Time for the votes. John votes for Chad. Votes are John, Chad, John, John and John.