Let's start our game. 36 days ago we started. They were split by genders. Men get the spirit stone. Mia says they're out
for blood. Chris couldn't get over the balance beam. The young guys battle the older men for power. Brook is gone. The men
won immunity next. Dolly was then gone. Mia and Twila battle. Mia then went. John P. and Brady went next. Then there was an
earthquake and the tribes were mixed up. Rory and Bubba on Yasur. Julie and Twila joined Lopevi. Bubba was talking about plans
for the future. His ass then went. Ami was running the show. Then Lisa went. John K. was on the hitlest next. Day 20 was the
merge. Ami is the leader. The women teamed up and voted out Rory. Sarge and Chad were next. Chris and 6 women left. Then the
loved one immunity. Chris told his fiance that he needed it. Ami won immunity. The women decided to team up and vote Eliza
out. Twila promised on her son's life to Ami and Leann. Eliza, Scout, Twila and Chris voted out Leann. Ami and Twila battle
it out. Ami tried to get Eliza back on her side. Chris tells Eliza, look at our competition. Ami confronted Twila at tribal
council. Eliza and Ami admit they would miss each other. Ami is gone. Chris is playing everybody. Eliza talks to Chris. Julie
and Eliza thought Twila would be next to go. Eliza was shocked Chris voted Julie out. There is your summary of 70 episodes.
Eliza is upset. Chris says Julie pulled a fast one on him, so he pulled it back. Chris talks to Eliza. Twila buts in and
says nobody doesn't deserve to be there. Eliza says Twila doesn't deserve to be there. Eliza says maybe she's not doing anything
to save energy for challenges. Eliza called Twila a dumb bitch. Chris is with Eliza. He tells her that Julie only gave a shit
about Eliza when she needed her. Chris says put a little faith in him. Chris talks about how Eliza and Twila hating each other.
Eliza says she would never imagine this as the final 4. She says it's pretty clear who will stick together and shit. Eliza
says she hopes if she doesn't get immunity, Chris does. Time for immunity now. This is the first vertical maze. They need
to make a puzzle with letters. Scout is behind. Twila has 1 pair. Chris has 1. Eliza has one Twila has 2. Twila has 3. Eliza
and Chris now have 3. Twila has 4. Eliza has 4. Chris has 4. Twila has 5. Chris has 5. Eliza has 5. Chris has 6. Twila has
6. Twila has 7. Chris has 7. Eliza has 7. It's so close. Scout has 3. Chris has 9. Eliza has 8. Twila has 9. Chris has 10.
Eliza has 9. Eliza has 10. Chris has immunity.
Chris says it's a beautiful day. Chris says he's never gonna give up. He said Twila gave him a run for his money. Scout
and Twila say the final 3. Twila wants the little goat to go. Chris says Twila gets on his nerves so much. Chris says wind
Eliza up. Scout is being such a bullshit artist. Eliza completely trusts Chris. Scout wants to make a deal with Chris. Eliza
says she would rather have two deserving people than some bullshit final 2. Chris says it's just about getting to the next
step. Time for the jury to come in. Eliza says that she thought he would be first gone. Eliza said Chris was her second choice.
She says there is a friendship between her and Chris. Twila brought her bag. She feels she's at ease. Scout says she'll be
shocked if it's her. Chris says it's time to play the game. Twila says she's said she's made some major mistakes. She says
she's ashamed on swearing on her sons name. She says she should have never brought his name into it. Chris keeps immunity.
Eliza votes Twila. She says she's the cockaroach that won't die. Twila votes Eliza. Twila says if she goes, it'll be the happiest
night. The votes are Eliza, Twila, Eliza and Eliza.
They all start bashing Eliza. Scout says it's quiet. There are no Eliza noises. Twila says there is no more thorn in her
side. Chris says going home with a million will change your life. That's 100% true. Jeff comes to the tribe. They've been
across from the final right of passage for 30+ days. They have to leave something of importance there. Twila says it's gonna
be a happy day and a sad day. They finally make it to the island. Chris says he hardly knew Brook. Twila said Dolly had the
nicest eyes. Mia is Itlaian and says she clashed with a lot of people. Brady says maybe he shouldn't have climbed the poll.
Chris says him and Bubba were gonna be final 2. Lisa says she went out with her word. John K. got emotional. Rory has no regrets.
Lea says he put trust in age. Chad said he did some soul searching. Leann says it was so worth it. Ami says her strategy was
to get the women to stick together. Julie says it's a mental battle to know what to show and what not to. Eliza says it was
her best experience. She says day 37 is nothing to be ashamed of. They go to cheif's grave. Chris gives the spirit idol. Scout
leaves the cheif staff. Twila does as well. Scout respects that they let her on this island.
It's time for immunity. Chris gives up immunity. They need to hold a bow and arrow and remain in that position. They can't
touch the bottom of the thing too. No shoes either. This is gonna hurt like hell. The marker is it, and we have started. Jeff
says, you let go for a moment it's over. Scout has pierced her marker. Twila is uneasy. Hopefully her ass falls. 30 minutes
in now. Chris starts making deals with Twila. She says she ain't stepping off. Chris is calling Scout and Twila out. Scout
is encouraging Twila. It's 55 minutes. Chris asks Scout if she's dreaming of Twila winning. Twila pierces the paper. Chris
has immunity. He has to decide whether to take sure shot or losing. Which way will he go?
Chris said there was no way he was losing. Twila says she wanted to win for her. Not for Scout. Scout says they had an
agreement to go to the final 4, not final 2. Chris says he's not sure what the jury is gonna base their votes on. He says
his vote is up when they get to tribal. Let's bring the jury back again. They all say it was a very long time. Chris says
Twila is thick skined. He says he wasn't gonna step down. He says he wasn't approached. Scout says there will be no bad outcome.
Twila says she's been playing since day 1. She doesn't want to be here from day 1. Chris says he repects how both got there.
He says Scout was willing to change things. Twila was agressive. He votes out the final person. Scout is gone.
Chris says this is the last time to do several things. Twila says she turned the game around and she made it. She says
she pissed a lot of people off. Chris feels stressed. He says she's still gotta keep playing. He says he's not gonna take
no crap. He asks Twila if she's gonna be like that. Chris says he's gonna let Twila put the last nail in her coffin. Great
deal there. Twila says she played the game best. She says she deserves the votes just as much as Chris does. They hug and
break the hammic. Chris says just out of spite the women say, we need to prove the strength of our alliance and vote Twila.
Twila says the pride she gets from this game is gonna be amazing for her. Chris says he didn't make the calls. He said he's
glad he's the last man standing. Which you should be. Time for the jury to walk in. Jeff says you did something 16 others
haven't done. Those 7 people decide their fate. They are expected to hold accountability. Now they gotta plead their case.
Chris says he deserves to win because being loyal to alliances. He says he overcame many odds. Beating a tribe of 6 women.
Twila says her only goal was to win a million. She says she played it hard. She says everything game from her soul. She says
she earned it and worked hard for it.
Eliza gets started. She says Twila has achieved what she wanted to. She calls Twila a deceptive lying bitch. She says she
doesn't envy her life. She says she did play a good game. Eliza says Chris was a deceptive lying bitch. He says you stabbed
her in the back twice. She wants an appology. Twila says she never disrespected her until the past week. Twila says Eliza
is a spoiled rotten child. She says I'm not gonna appologize unless she appologizes. Chris says he did her wrong and had no
intensions to. Julie is second. She starts crying. Julie says she tried to get Twila out like 6 times. She's either voting
for Chris or against Chris. Julie says she wanted to help Chris. She asks him why he said based on a friendship why did he
break it. Chris says he had no intentions to vote her off. He admits that he lied to her. She asks when did you start playing
me. Chris says he never lied. He let his heart get in the way. He says he truly looked at her like a little sister. Leann
is next. She says she tuerned on a four person alliance. Here comes the son thing again. Twila felt it was Ami, Leann, Scout
and herself. She says when you brought Julie in, that broke the things. She said she didn't trust Ami, not Leann. Leann says
convince me to end the women's alliance and vote for him. He says the backdoor opened when Twila suggested to vote her out.
He says he perservered. Ami is up. She sees irony. You won't appologize, but you will lie for a million dollars. Ami says
why did you lie to two people for no reason. Chris says Ami's on the jury because she let her guard down and put personal
feelings first. Twila appologizes about the son thing. She says now she's a low life bitch. Ami says answer the question.
Twila says she's harder and colder than Ami. Chad is up. He asks what has changed her. She says she wants to change her hardcore
approach. She says that's not a good thing. He says the experience of the genuwine qualities don't faulter. He says he focused
on the game. The jury all looked past the million dollars. Sarge says you outplayed, outlasted and that stuff. Sarge says
the vote is probably going to vote for Twila. She asks is your son's life worth a shot to hell. Chris says there will be a
friendship even if you do vote for Twila. Scout says Twila isn't able to bullshit that much. She says Chris is bullshitting
up to his ears. That was crazy.
Time for final statements. Twila says she says she didnt wnat to intentionally lie to people. She says at home people know
her word is good. She wants to better her life. She said she didn't worry about anybody's feelings. She says it was selfish.
She says people kill for less. She hates the person who she became. She says she appologizes to everybody. She says it's the
game that ended up playing her. Chris says he's a bullshitter. He says he can't bullshit a bullshitter. He just wants Julie's
vote. He says he doesn't deserve to be ther because of what he did to Eliza and Julie. He says he was Eliza's demise. He says
he got an oppertunity to be there because with Ami and Leann getting booted with Eliza, Scout and Twila. He says Chad and
Lea will still be his friends after. Time to vote. Sarge votes for Chris. Scout votes for Twila. Eliza says she wishes she
was there with him, but she wants him to win and gave him her vote. Ami voted for Twila. Now time for the votes in like a
few minutes. Jeff is like chopping trees down and shit. Crazyness. He's now jumping out of a plane. What is this fucking Fear
Factor? Now he's on a motorcycle to Hollywood. Now, let's see the votes for real. They admit they had it coming. Chris, Chris,
Twila, Twila, Chris, Chris. He dropped a big old f-bomb. Out comes the rest of the people.
Chris clip of talking about the women opening a back door. Chris says the keypoint was after Chad got voted off. Chris
says he pulled the sympathy card to Julie. Chad gave Julie his wrath. Chris kept his mouth shut when there were 6 women. Julie
says he played me so hard, he got her vote. Eliza did the same thing with Chris. Eliza says it's a vote for Chris and against
Twila. Chris says he thought he knew he'd do better against Twila. Twila says she told outright and Chris lied. Leann says
she'd never write her name down. She says feelings and game were not split. Ami says she deserved it. Ami says Chris played
a great game. Scout says she couldn't give money to somebody who was just bullshitting. Sarge says it wasn't a man or woman
thing. He says based on the line of things and he wouldn't reward Twila for it. Sarge says it was anger speaking. Sarge says
they both lied their teeth off. Chad says Chris played the best overall. A guy wins and they wanted all girls to go on. Ami
says it's hard for women to stand together. Leanna says she wanted all the women at the end. She wanted the final 4 to be
all women. She says it got screwed up when she went. Julie says she doesn't know if Chris has feelings.
Twila swearing on her son now. Maybe if she wins a million, god will forgive her. She didn't though. She says she saw it
as Leann and Ami as the final 2. Twila says once they took Eliza, and then she changed her mind. Ami says she would never
do it. Scout says all the self-rightousness of the lie. She says if you believ in all that's good, forgive her. James says
he still loves her to death. Jeff says Twila was the most needing of the money. Eliza says she thought she got over it, but
then all the comments didn't help. Ami says she thinks she had a good idea of Twila. Leann doesn't think Twila's a bad person.
She just couldn't get over that. Sarge says she forgives her. He says she's a true friend of mine. Well isn't that sweet?
The family immunity thing. Chris tells his wife that he's going home if he loses immunity. He told her that he got voted
out that night. She was devistated. Every Thursday after she watched she went to therapy. Chris can lie to anybody. Julie
says you know the outline and human nature takes over. She says you don't know where people can draw their lines. She says
she knows where hers is. Ami says Lori's tears helped him. They felt so bad that she felt so bad. Ami says the quicker you
forgive, the sooner you are releaved. Rory talks about the highs and lows. He says he needs to be true to himself. He says
your true colors will come out. He needs to hold his tongue a bit. Leann says she's thought about all those things post-game.
She says she can achieve more now. Sarge says he took a new outlook on suvilians. He learned people can actually say no. He
says there are some people who live day to day. John K. said he was flat broke. He says in two years he'll be a suvillian.
Chad shows the guys his fake leg. His goal was to not make it a liability. He says at one point it was to make it look
as not a problem, then he wanted to make it a problem. He wanted to do it for years. He said it will get him noticed. Scout
says her artifical knee didn't fit right. She says they were never officially out. Scout says everybody has been so accepting.
Brook says he wnated to be there 39 days and he says he enjoyed the 3 days he was there. Now Dolly's time. Bubba has kept
the weight off. He says nobody is a loser there. Back to Dolly. She has 38 lambs that are going to market. John P. says he
did a campaign and did some speaking to kids. Mia says life is great and she's bartending. Brady got married in Australia.
Lisa says she's just home being a mom. She didn't want to go home. John K. is still modeling and going back to school. Rory
says he was gonna burn the camp down and he says that was his one regret. That would have been insane. Survivor 10 is going
to be going to Palau. They say it's like the 8th wonder of the world. There are wreckage of war there. 20 new castaways. That's
fucking insane.