Previews of the inferno and recaps of the gauntlet. Coral disses Road Rules. Trishelle disses Road Rules. Sarah disses
Adam. Katie tells that she was pissed. Sarah tells that she was her own team. Mike disses Road Rules because of the Sarah
shit. Rachel and Veronica say Sarah is week. Trishelle says she sucked. Coral is proud of her. As she should be. Mike looks
at it out of proportion. Katie tells that Trishelle comes before anything. Coral is pissed that Road Rules booed Irulan. That
is fucked up. Theo sang the Witch Is Dead. Alton was gonna kill Theo. Sarah tells the Irulan feud was about production. Veronica
wanted to stay. Everyone thinks that it would save Veronica. They said Dave wanted to jump in and only Coral was invited.
That's so funny. It's so funny. If Sarah is the weakest, why should she prove herself 5 times? Trishelle, Rachel and Veronica
look like idiots. Katie is the only one with balls.
Katie vs. Veronica. They hated each other. Veronica is a powerhouse. Katie's sorry that Veronica didn't vote for her. Trishelle
disses Coral. She thought they had sex. Coral heard and saw sex. I just find that amusing. Trishelle tells Mike that her two
ex's were there. Then she hooks up with Adam. Coral says Mike was hypnotized by her vagina. Mike didn't want to vote Trishelle
off. Mike kept his free pussy! Oh my god, I love that. Coral talks about the spider bite. She went into shock. Sarah is happy
that Coral went that far. Rachel and Mike felt she went far. Trishelle disses her for making a big fucking deal. Sarah says
if they would have took the 10 minutes at the beginning. Coral didn't know she got bit by a spider. She got shots in her ass.
Mike was at Trishelle's hotel. Nobody went to the hospital. Coral peeing in the woods is where she got a spider bite. Never
pee in the woods kids. Coral is gonna make Trishelle a shirt that says Infernho. This chick is so fucking funny.
Day 1 everybody was nice. A week or two later they start fighting. So much fun in the preview. Veronica vs. Katie. Julie
vs. Coral. Oh what fun. Gauntlet stuff carrys over. Thanks Trishelle. Coral vs. Trishelle. Veronica vs. Julie. Coral's shirt
is the best. Melissa didn't like Julie so everybody doesn't. Coral beats bitches up. Abe and CT get along for being assholes.
Trishelle says Ace is a poor sport. It's so funny. Mal was bitchy. I found that funny. Leah wants CT's ass. Veronica wants
him. Coral said fucking on Real World and Road Rules crosses. Coral shows the circle of Kendal, Blair, Mike, Trishelle in
a circle. Coral tries to work on the list of Trishelle's hook ups. Girls want to fuck Shane, but he won't. Leah and Darrell
are a hook up. That's just so funny. Inferno you vote for two of your own and the other team picks who goes. Katie loves Real
World. It's switching weeks. One week men, then women. It looks amazing. Anyway, my highlight was Coral's shirt. It said "Will
Kill For Melissa". Ah what a great season.