The fucking nasty rats and Koror losing the flint. They hated the new island. Angie says she needs
to be an asset. Angie helped a lot with reward and won fishing gear and won flint. Ian got the flint. Ashlee
refused to eat. They noticed Jeff and Ken were snuggling. Koror won immunity again. Stephenie wanted to
send Kim home. Jeff said he likes Kim, but no alliance. But in the end, Ashlee went home. Ulong says they can't
go back to tribal again. Stephenie says Kim and Jeff know if the plans went how they were originally, it would have
been Kim out. Jeff says they just kept each other warm. Just keep denying it. Kim says she doesn't want
these people to make an assumption. James says everybody sees them doing what they're doing, people aren't that dumb.
Koror is getting all wet. Tom says they need a better shelter. They're getting so wet. Coby says 9 strong
has it's pros and cons. Caryn is bitching about Katie. She needs to shut it. Caryn says she doesn't want
to bring it to everybody. Katie found it so funny that Caryn was so irrate. That dumb bitch left. Katie
thinks she's lost it. Caryn is happy that Katie won't talk to her. Reward time. They can do whatever they
want without hitting the other team. Round one is two men, round 2 is two women. They win a sewing kit.
Caryn and Willard sit out. Tom and Jeff in round 1. Tom gets the ring. Jeff drags Tom. Jeff pulls
Tom. Jeff gets the first point for Ulong. Jennifer vs. Stephenie. Stephenie has a big lead. Stephenie
dunks Jennifer. Ulong gets point 2. Bobby Jon and Angie vs. Gregg and Janu. Gregg waits on defense.
Angie dunks Janu. Bobby Jon is pulling Gregg. Ulong wins reward. They get all that sewing shit.
Ulong is so happy they kicked ass. Ibrehem is lost on what to do with it. They decide to keep some
of the wire as fish hooks. Bobby Jon goes fishing. Everybody else is sleeping like a bunch of fucking jackasses.
Kim says Bobby Jon should stop and take a break. What a lazy ass bitch. Tom says there are poisonous snakes and
they cut off the head. What crazy shit. Katie says Ian is so cute appologizing to the thing. Ian says he
works with dolphins and shit. Tom and Ian go to kill more snakes. A shark comes near their camp and wants the
snakes. They try and attack it. How fucking stupid. Jennifer is cutting snake as bait. Tom says shark
meat is more important than shit. They back off the snakes and want some shark. How fucking dumb.
Jeff rolled his ankle. That kinda sucks. He's injured and that can screw you big in this game.
Jeff is limping. He wants to save energy until immunity. It's a strength mission and Jeff wants to win this challenge.
Jeff wants to make sure they win. They have to unclip and carry weight. What the fuck is going on? This
challenge seems easy. Jennifer and Janu sit out. Jeff gives up his weight right away. Tom has 40 pounds.
Willard gives out. Kim gives her weight out. Angie is now out. Ulong has 4 and Koror has 4 left. Koror
starts running. Coby goes out and gives his weight to Ian. Tom has 60 pounds. Koror tries to make up ground.
James goes out. It's 3 on 3. Ulong starts running. Koror starts catching up even more. Koror wins
immunity again. How great. Ulong goes to tribal, yet again.
Jeff says everybody tried and said he can't get to the end with a busted ankle. He says he can't walk.
James says they didn't want to vote him off. Kim is doing shit again. Bobby Jon says they should get rid of Kim.
Angie says she's voting for Jeff. No swaying her. Angie says maybe Kim will work and not have to think about him.
James says it's not logical to vote him off. Kim doesn't know whether they're conspiring to keep him. Kim feels
volunerable. Jeff could stay even though he said he wants to go and should go. They're tired of seeing Jeff.
James said that Tom was why they lost. Jeff says he can't help the tribe. Ibrehem says everybody works hard, but
not everybody puts in the same effort. Kim says she can't measure up to Bobby Jon. She says the strong stay and
the weak go. James says they were debating whether they'll keep Jeff or let him go. James votes for Kim.
Kim votes Jeff. Bobby Jon votes for Kim. The votes are Jeff, Jeff, James, Kim, Kim, Jeff, Jeff. He's gone.