Let's get it started again. Derrick talks about getting the boot on
Battle of the Sexes. Julie says that she has bad blood with Veronica. She wants to forgive her. Brad wants
to prove himself because he was screwed over. Jodi thinks people alreayd have alliances. What a stupid bitch.
Tina says this Inferno is gonna be a blood bath. Jamie says it's a battle pit where gladiators kill each other.
The intro is bananas. Dave Mirra is back. Guys are on one side and girls on another. Not Real World vs.
Road Rules. Good guys vs. Bad asses. Derrick, Dan, Karamo, Abram, CT, Tina, Tonya, Beth, Rachel, Veronica are
the bad asses. Tonya says she could never be on the good guys. Beth says she's a good girl. Jon, Karamo,
Darrell, Brad, Mike, Shavonda, Julie, Jamie, Jodi, Robin. Just like the past Inferno. The other team picks.
They're blind. Shavonda says it's scary. The lifesheild saves yourself. Each mission is $10,000. Veronica
says it's a lot of money. Jamie says it's like a great vacation. Robin thinks the place is so amazing. They
already got a mission. CT says everybody is nervous. Tina says all the girls shouldn't room together. She
doesn't want to be in the same room with Tonya. Tina says Tonya is her doormat. Somebody got served.
Surf Torture, what the fuck kind of shit is that? Jamie says it's gonna
be an endurance mission. Shavonda says some of these things are crazy. It's sucky things. Bad Asses is red.
Good guys is blue. Good Guys have Landon and the Miz together. Tonya says they fucked them. Tonya is with
Beth. Tina is with Veronica. Tina says Abram went to school to be a navy seal. Mike says game on, bitches.
Shavonda is with Jon. They have to go to sea and shit. Beth is a hefty bitch. Tonya and Beth are out.
Karamo is nervous. Karamo and Dan are out now. Jon and Shavonda are put. Brad and Robin are out. Julie
and Jamie can't lift the log. Veronica amd Tina can't do the wheelbarrell again. Rachel and CT clock out.
Jodi and Darrell suck ass. This shit is crazy. Jodi and Darrell are out now. Derrick and Abram vs. Mike
and Landon. Abram says he's dying. Mike says his mind is playing with him. It's pretty tight.
It's a tight race. Brad says it's the fight in the dog. Abram
says Mike looks like Godzilla. Julie says Mike is literally drained. Derrick is having no problem. Mike
and Landon are out. Bad Asses win. Derrick and Abram take it home. $10,000 for them. Abram says it
feels good. The nomination process. Can only pick a guy now. Tina says the first win sets the trend.
The Good Guys think all their players are strong. They want Karamo or Dan. Jon wants CT. The bad asses meeting
now. They think Mike should go. Good Guys picked Dan. Mike is the Bad Asses pick. The next mission
is the lifeshield. Brad says the guys can save him and shit. Dan knew it was going to be him. Dan says if
it's singing Madonna songs, he'll win. Mike says he's beat Abram and Jeremy already. Dan is next. I don't