Edward's Online Reality

Palau: Episode 05

Edward's Playlist
After tribal, Ulong wanted to win an immunity thing.  Tom picked Ian for Koror.  Katie, Jennifer, Gregg, Tom and Ian are basically alligned.  Ulong vote for James as a leader.  Koror wins the new shelter.  They deserved it.  The Ulong women kicked ass, but the men of Koror sucked.  It was Kim or James to go.  Kim's ass is now gone.  Jennifer and Gregg were playing around with each other.  Everybody can see it.  It's not that hidden.  Willard is in charge of the fire.  He's sleeping in his hammock.  Ulong decides to go look for the cave.  Bobby Jon and James lost it.  They are so fucking lost.  Angie doesn't want anybody to get hurt.  They walked around in circles for hours.  James is bitching about Angie saying never say never.  They go back to the shelter.  James says do not quit.  They are such whiners.  Angie says they all feel miserable.  At Koror Tom says he was grumpy and shit.  He's worried about Willard.  Gregg and Tom talk about Willard.  Gregg says they keep winning and getting stronger.  They basically want Willard out.  They need to get Soki bottles and collect 6 and things.  The winning tribe gets food and hears what the other tribe has to say.  Willard, Caryn, Katie and Janu sit out.  Stephenie and Jennifer go out first.  Jennifer gets Koror's first bottle.  Stephenie is right behind her.  Gregg and Angie are up next.  Ibrehem has a lead.  Coby is right behind him.  Ibrehem still has no bottle.  Coby and Koror get another thing.  Tom is going out while Ibrehem is going in.  Ibrehem has no bottle.  Tom grabs a bottle.  Bobby Jon goes down.  Tom has 4 for Koror.  Ian is going next.  Bobby Jon has 3 for Ulong.  James goes in as does Ian.  James gets one in.  Stephenie goes down again.  Ian and Stephenie are up.  Ian and Stephenie go yet again.  Ian has the sixth bottle.  Koror wins reward.  Koror gets to watch Ulong's tribal after they go first.
Ian says it'll be 4 to 8 tonight.  Ian is happy he doesn't have to go grabbing and shit.  Coby suggests not making fun of them at tribal.  James blames Ibrehem for the loss.  James says the manly thing to do would be admit you can't do it.  Stephenie says she doesn't know how the tribe keeps losing.  Ibrehem tells James it was his fault they lost.  He thinks he's the #1 target.  He asks Bobby Jon to tell him which way it goes.  Tom says they want Willard out.  Willard says he knew he'd be in trouble once immunity loss it's done.  Coby says he can't set the numbers.  Coby says Katie doesn't do anything.  Gregg says Tom and Ian are too strong and alligned.  They want Janu, Jennifer, Coby and Gregg in the final 4.  I like three of them.  Gregg says him and Jennifer are the power shifters.  Which is absolutely true.  They're just grabbing torches now.  Isn't that amazing?  Katie says Tom and Ian are the leaders.  Tom says they all had to turn it on 110%.  Coby says he's too friendly.  Coby says he wants to be himself and if it costs him, so be it.  Gregg says everybody has relationships.  Gregg says trust really kicks in, now.  This is their first real test.  Willard votes Katie.  Katie votes Willard.  The votes are Katie, Willard, Willard, Willard, Willard and Willard.  He's gone.  They take their stuff and go to the other side of the fire.  Ulong comes on in.  Koror loves their reward.  Angie is upset.  Who wouldn't be?
Ulong can't stand it.  Koror just eats and listens.  Bobby Jon says they brought everything because they don't know what's going on.  Angie says she can't look at the food.  She says she's so frustrated.  Angie says it was gonna be a big boost to team morale.  They all wanted the food.  Stephenie says she would have been eating instead of watching them eat.  James says they just wanted the food.  Not just the factor that they'd still have to vote somebody off. Ibrehem says don't vote him off the last challenge.  He says they think beef stew is it.  Koror votes to give immunity to one person on Ulong.  They vote for somebody to be safe.  Katie votes Ibrehem.  The votes are They want to see their name.  The votes are Angie, Ibrehem, Stephenie, Bobby Jon, Stephenie, Bobby Jon, Ibrehem, Ibrehem.  Ibrehem has three votes and is immune.  The twists just keep coming.
Koror now leaves and goes back to camp.  They are all fair game now.  James votes for Angie.  Angie votes James.  Stephenie votes for Bobby Jon.  The votes are Angie, Bobby Jon, James, Bobby Jon and Angie.  James, Ibrehem and Stephenie all vote again.  The votes are Angie, Angie.  Angie tells Stephenie to rock on.