Gregg and Jennifer are getting close. Ulong got lost in a storm and Angie wanted to go back to camp.
Koror's work effort was questioned. Both tribes are going to tribal and get to win food and listen to the losing tribe.
Koror wins because of Ibrehem messes up. James blames Ibreheim for the loss. They say it's Willard going then
Caryn. Coby is happy that him and Janu are going to be with Gregg and Jennifer. Willard is gone and eats in front
of Ulong. Ibrehem says that the team thought the beef stew was it. Koror gave immunity to Ibrehem. Bobby
Jon & Angie were tied and Angie was gone in the tie breakers vote. Angie was my girl furreal. Ibrehem says
the tide got turned and his ass was safe. Stephenie says everybody needs to listen. Stephenie says Ibrehem knows
he's going next. James is bitching about Ibrehem not getting a bottle. Just shut up. Bobby Jon says James
is making it seem more of a bigger deal then it is. Ibrehem goes and prays all by himself. He says he probably
would have been gone, but god helped him. This is the same damn thing I heard on the Inferno. Ian says the tribe
feels refreshed because of the food and shit. Tom says everybody is doing a project. Coby said Koror was having
a craft day. Katie didn't do shit just made necklaces and shit. Caryn says Katie is just there to entertain them.
They make fun of the other tribe with sock puppets. That's fucking classic. It's a shooting game. Jennifer
says they don't care what it is, they just wanna win. They have to knock out their tribe plates. They get to Jellyfish
Lake. They cant sting but they get to dive in the water with them. Katie, Janu, Jennifer and Ian sit out.
Ulong goes first. Bobby Jon misses. Gregg misses. James misses as well. Coby misses too. Ibrehem
is too low. Tom breaks plate one. Stephenie is next. She ties it. Caryn misses.
Bobby Jon is up again. He hits a tile. Gregg ties it. James misses. Coby Coby barely misses.
Ibrehem hits it. Tom just misses. Stephenie hits again. Now it's 4 to 2 Ulong. Stephenie makes it
6 to 4. Caryn makes it 6 to 5. Gregg makes it 7 to 6. James misses. Coby hits to tie it at 7 to 7.
Ibrehem misses. Koror gets last shot. Tom misses it. Stephenie goes and hits it. Caryn has to hit
it. Ulong wins reward. They get to go to jellyfish lake. They still suck ass.
Stephenie is so happy they actually won for a god damn change. They get on the boat and love it.
They had the Survivor triva on the chips. They say from now on, we're all friends and we keep winning. Yeah fucking
right, Bobby Jon. They all go into the water. Bobby Jon says he wanted to cherrish it for every second.
Stephenie says they feel strong and happy again. Koror is worried about the wind and shit. Tom says it feel like
40 mile per hour winds. Janu said that was the first time she was scared and felt alone. That shit is fucking
scary. Janu is so upset and crying. Tom tries to calm her down. Janu says she doesn't have the strength
to make it to the end. Katie says everything was dramatic with Janu. Your ass is the drama queen, Katie.
Dumb bitch.
Ulong is back at camp. What the fuck? They have to make the box inpenatrable. James pretends
he knew like he was doing. Stephenie says that they're gonna win. Please, how many times have I heard that tune?
They have 20 minutes to get sticks and shit. Jennifer, Ian, Janu and Katie are in for Koror. Ulong sends out 3
people and Koror sends 2. Janu and Katie work on more knots. All the lumber is in for Koror. They all have
5 minutes left. Ulong has used all their rope. That's it, time is up. First tribe to finish, wins.
Ulong is slowing down. Koror is close. Now it's down to the locker. Ulong is down to the locker. Koror
is close. Koror has their flag free. They win immunity again. Ulong still is empty handed. Hahaha,
with their all might knot. Please, bitch.
Ulong hasn't won an immunity challenge yet. Ibrehem plans on voting for James. James says he was
meant to go last time. James says his god says he's going today. Bobby Jon thinks James voted for him. Stephenie
starts lying about it. If she told the truth, she'd be gone. Bobby Jon says he believes her. Therefore,
she's voting James and will vote off Ibrehem next. Bobby Jon and Stephenie are now an official alliance.
Stephenie is caught in the middle. What a dumb bitch. The one millionth tribal council for Ulong. James
says they mental were fucked up. Ibrehem says this has opened his eyes to do what he does do. James says it's
personal feelings and challenges now. Stephenie says she wants just one immunity. Bobby Jon says he trusts everyone.
Stephenie is such a lying bitch. Three guys from Alabama and she's from wherever. She says it's not her time yet.
Time to vote. James votes for Ibrehem. Ibrehem votes for James. Stephenie takes a nice dramatic pause.
The votes are James, Ibrehem, James, Ibrehem. It's a tie. Dun dun dun. Bobby Jon starts the revote.
The votes are James and James. Thankfully hick boy is gone.