James is pissed at Ibrehem after tribal. Stephenie winning reward for Ulong. They toast to winning
and swim with jellyfish. Bobby Jon says he was at a great place. Koror worried about their home. Janu is
so caught up at the camp while raining. Koror wins immunity yet again. Stephenie makes an alliance with Bobby
Jon. There was a tie between James and Ibrehem. They can change votes, Stephenie changed her mind and James is
gone now. Bye bye, bitch. Ulong is now a trio. It's 8 vs. 3. Stephenie says anything can happen.
It was 9 so long ago. Stephenie is surprised and embarassed they've lost so much. Ibrehem and Stephenie says they've
never been around the same people for so long. They think there will be a merge soon. Silly Ulong people.
Stephenie says it was beneficial to get rid of James. Onto the Koror camp. Tom is doing crunches for no reason.
Ian carries a huge ass clam. That shit is huge. They all have to open it. It's like 6 or 7 pounds of meat.
There's a shark near the tribe. Ian, Gregg and Tom get their sticks ready. Ian steps on a nail. Tom caught
a shark. That's fucking insane. Ian says somebody has to one up him. Ian says next he'll have to get a humpback
whale. Tom says it's now known he's a strong player and shit. Coby says it's gonna be harder to vote Tom off now.
They get a note in a bottle. They need to make a signal of some sort. A plane will drop supplies
for them. Ulong wants to burn Ulong on fire. They tear apart their old shelter. Bobby Jon wants to see if
work beats intelligence. Gregg, Caryn and Katie decide to do it. They had to move the materials down the beach.
Caryn says they have to be hydrated. Tom says he wants to help with the task. He doesn't want to just observe.
Koror wants it to say Got Food? That's actually creative. As opposed to just Ulong. They fly over to Ulong
first. The dude says it was big and visible, but you couldn't really see it. Coby is worried that the fire wasn't
lit. He says Koror's was bigger and more creative. Koror wins. They got wine and military food packages.
They got fishing equiptment as well. They toast to a great tribe. Caryn says they win for a reason, not by accident.
Gregg says they must be mentally beat up. Ulong is pissed they lost again. I'm not shocked at all.
Gregg and Jennifer are sleeping near each other again. Coby doesn't care what they do as long as they're
on their his side. He says they're relationship isn't that huge because people assume things they're plotting when they
talk. Shit like that. They talk about the game versus a couple. Jennifer says Gregg is very focused on the
game. They're an alliance and somewhat of a couple. She wants Gregg to loosen up. Tom is concerned about
what will happen when they tell the other one that the one is going. Bobby Jon gets a clam for Ulong. They're
all three happy he got that small fish. They ate clam, coconut and the fish. Stephenie says the food will help
them in the next challenge. They need to play with the pieces of a puzzle. They have to slide the shit around.
Ulong says they're ready. It's a floating puzzle. Ulong is jealous of them winning all the food and rewards.
They have a caller and two people to move the pieces around. Janu and Jennifer are moving, Coby is controlling.
Bobby Jon is calling for Stephenie and Ibrehem. Stephenie discusses with Bobby Jon. Koror seems to be leading.
Koror is halfway done. Bobby Jon seems like he's made no progress. Ulong switches callers. Stephenie is
now in. Janu is exhausted. Stephenie is making progress. Koror wins another immunity. It's too little,
too late. Hahaha, they suck.
Ibrehem says 7 tribal councils in a row is probably the worst ever. Bobby Jon says he's the swing vote.
Make up your damn mind. Pick somebody who will help you win. Stephenie wants to get Bobby Jon alone and pound
Ibrehem's ass out. Bobby Jon says he's not gonna rule anybody out. Stephenie is pissed that Bobby Jon is gonna
vote her out. Stephenie tries to convince Ibrehem to vote out Bobby Jon. That solves all problems. Bobby
Jon admits he made a mess with the puzzle. Stephenie says she tried to fix it, but it didn't happen. She says
losing so many times they've scratched their head and don't know why. Bobby Jon says it isn't fun. Bobby Jon says
they all help each other. They haven't arisen to the occassion. Bobby Jon says he would vote Stephenie out as
a threat. Ibrehem says his loyalty is to save him. Stephenie says it's two guys who get along well and it's her.
She says it's sad and she's not ready to go. The votes are Ibrehem, Stephenie and Ibrehem. Stephenie thanks Bobby
Jon and off goes Ibrehem.