The Bad Asses girls all tortured Tonya. That's awesome. Good Guys won a mission. Veronica kicked Jodi's ass in the inferno
and she picked the bitch. What a fucking moron. Everybody is going crazy. Especially the guys because it's a guys inferno
next. Dan says Tina is full of crap. Abram says he doesn't want to vote for Mike again. Mike says he's probably going in every
week. Brad says if they lose one of their best guys, it'll be shocking. Tonya says everybody is talking about life and she
doesn't want to talk about it. Jamie asks her questions and Jamie thinks she just wants friends. Tonya says Veronica, Rachel
and Tina are doing a good job to tear her down. Jamie loves high challenges, which this is. Julie hates heights. She doesn't
care about the fucking mission. They have to get 40 tokens, each player has to get 5, except the Good Guys have one less,
so somebody needs to go twice. Dan wants to go up and he says he's scared of heights. Bad Asses go first, Veronica starts
it. Veronica gets all her shit tangled, she needs to hurry so next person can go. Oh shit.
Veronica is pissed off. Up goes Tina. Rachel is third. Dan is fourth. So far so good. Tonya is next up. Tina says Tonya
says she has a rock timing wall. Veronica and all the girls are hating on her. Tonya is pissed at the girls. CT goes quick,
then Abram. Derrick is last for the Bad Asses. He fucking falls off. Tonya is telling the other team and shit. What a fucking
bitch. 31:37 is the Bad Asses final time. Veronica says the other team can really mess up. Landon goes first all the way up.
Mike is next and he goes all the way up. Mike fucking falls off that shit. Brad goes and gets the shit at the top too. Jamie
and Darrell have no problem. Shavonda is up next. Julie doesn't want to go. Rachel says Julie was saying some curse words
from that mormon. She's so fucking retarded. Landon is on his final run. Good Guys 27:11. They finally won another mission.
Time to nominate for the Inferno. Tonya says the girls talk so much shit about her. Dan says ignore them and don't talk to
them. I'd be a bitch to you too, Tonya.
Good Guys are throwing pillows and shit. Julie wants to send Abe in. Abe says he's not voting for Mike. Dan says he's not
voting Mike either. Dan lashes out at Tina, Veronica and Rachel. He tells them off, basically. The Bad Asses pick Mike and
the Good Guys pick Abram. Mike wants to take out Abram. Rachel says it's only a big issue because she's make it a big issue.
Veronica says it's a childhood complex. Veronica says Tonya is playing victim. Tonya says kiss my ass to the other three girls.
They're laughing at her because she says they're done. Tonya is now following the girls. Tonya calls them stupid bitches.
Lovely of her.