A recap of last week and Corbin's departure. Tracey's voice is pissing me off. Angie thinks Mark Curry is the mole. They
all have no idea who the mole is. They break into three teams of two. It's them against the chickens. The chickens need to
match numbers. This shit is so funny. 5 minutes per team. Keisha and Dennis go first. Dennis and Keisha got 2 chickens. Keisha
is going softly. Dennis is playing basketball again. It's so funny. Keisha and Dennis earned $17,000. Stephen and Angie are
a team. They do really well. $31,000 from those two. Tracy and Mark are a team. Mark is making comments at the chickens. They
earned $9,000. They won $57,000 total. Keisha has to get the super rooster in 5 minutes and gets $10,000 if she gets it. The
rooster was nervous. Dumb animal. It's so fucking funny. She ran it down and put it in the pen. Good homegirl. The pot is
back up to $83,000. I'm amazed by all this.
Tracey and Stephen are talking with Angie. They don't go into details though. Mark says he's the mole, but I doubt it.
They're riding horses and on jetskis. I'm so lost. What the fuck are they doing. Now they're going to a maze. It's a 3am mission.
They steal a belt and have to go through a maze. What crazy shit. There's a band and wrestlers in there. What the hell is
going on. Dennis and Angie are a team. Angie is guiding Dennis. Angie forgets to tell him to get a belt, a bit mole like.
Dennis gets caught by a wrestler. It's pretty funny. Tracey is being guided by Stephen. She turned the wrong way. She almost
made it. Oh well, that shit sucked. He double talked. Dumb fucking Baldwin.
Mark and Keisha are the last team. Keisha guides Mark. The wrestlers come near Mark. Mark makes it through. It was quite
funny. Mark ran from the police many times. I'm dying here. He is so fucking funny. Stephen is pissed because he lost. Tracey
got an exemption in her belt. They have $93,000. Now it's time to go to sleep.
Mark gets an offer for an exemption. Mark can win $10,000 and an exemption. He has to eat everybody's left overs. It's
so good. Mark wants everybody to eat as much as they can. Everybody isn't eating much. Mark is making jokes. Mark just grabs
food from everybody. Stephen thinks somethings up. They all figure out it's a game. I hope he doesn't like get food poising.
That would suck ass.
He's eating it. He just keeps stuffing it. Rice, beans, corn and everything. Angie says he can barf afterwards. Mark has
6 minutes left to finish the rest. I think it's pretty funny. Mark felt pregnant. Mark has more borrito then blood. He's killing
me. He can't take it anymore. He was so close. They gave him anacids. This is crazy. I'm dying laughing at this shit.
Time for the quiz. Tracey doesn't have to take it. The questions seem pretty easy. Baldwin is being his anal self thinking
about shit that probably won't matter. It's time for the execution. $93,000 in the pot. I'm hoping Baldwin goes home. There
is a tie though, tonight. Angie is safe, thankfully. Mark is sticking around. Dennis gets green. It's between Stephen and
Keisha. Stephen is going home. This time him and Corbin switched weeks. Angie is going to miss all his bad jokes. Keisha calls
him wonder bread. I'm rolling here.