RIP Shelter. Saboga tribe shown. The hot sex that Rob and Amber had. The rice and whiskey is shown.
Chapera loses the silly puzzle. About time they lost a person. Mogo Mogo is the only tribe not to lose an immunity
challenge. Hopefully they keep that up. Who cares about all these fucking animals? They have to build boats/rafts.
Tom sits out because he's a big fat fuck. Rupert controls the deal. Jerri is lost. She doesn't like building
shit because of the house. Rupert doesn't want to fuck up again. As he should. They say the simplier
the better. Mogo Mogo decides to keep the bundles together. Tom is staring at Alicia's tits. He's a drunk
asshole. Susan is dissing him to hell. Susan pissed on the raftt. Tom calls Susan a hag. He's a moron.
Shii Ann is shocked Rob C. got voted off. Fishing hooks and a spear. The third tribe gets broken up. Shii
Ann and Tom are sitting out. Mogo Mogo gets Kathy before anybody. Alicia jumps on the Chapera boat and Jenna on
the Saboga boat. Richard and Amber are on. Jerri gets on the boat. While Mogo Mogo is going back.
Rupert pulls the last flag when they are way behind. Mogo Mogo take first. Chapera takes a distant second.
Saboga will be split up. Mogo Mogo picks Ethan. Chapera picks Rupert. Jerri is now a member
of Mogo Mogo. Jenna goes to Chapera. Mogo Mogo really should have picked Rupert. Jenna as well. Mogo
Mogo proved lazyness rules over everything.
Jerri and Ethan are outsiders. They're amazed at Mogo Mogo's house. Jerri doesn't miss Saboga. See, there's
still some bitch in her. Jenna hates the fact of telling people who to vote off. Rupert is amazed. Alicia
is talking like a drunk. Mogo Mogo will kill them, hopefully. Jerri, Shii Ann and Kathy find the key. They
got soggy rice. Ethan tries to go for fish. Richard thinks Ethan is good. He got a fish. Richard says
he needs to bring back 12, now. Kathy likes the contest. The more food, the better. Smart woman, just
watch them play their little games.
Richard doesn't care if they lose, lots of people to get rid of. Colby is scared, they took second a lot and now,
second sucks. Two members on the course. Boy, that sucks. Everybody has to do the mission. Chapera
has 2 flags. Ethan has 1. It's 2 to 2 thanks to Jerri. Richard vs. Jenna. Richard gets naked.
Kathy makes it 3 to 2. Then Alicia ties it up. Ethan vs. Tom. Ethan falls. It's 17 to 13 Chapera.
Colby vs. Boston Rob. They decide to have Rob run it. Chapera has immunity. Rob the jackass does it.
First time my hommies in Mogo Mogo lose somebody at TC. Boston Rob is a dick.
Richard calls them cheaters. Boston Rob is a dick. He needs to die and stop being an asshole. Shii Ann
says the game is on. They decide to not bitch. Ethan and Colby want Richard gone. Ethan thinks it's 50/50
him or Richard. Jerri hates that she's teaming with 3 guys. They want Richard gone before Ethan. Shii Ann
and Kathy are shocked. Jerri wants revenge against Colby. Jerri doesn't wnat to be screwed twice. That sounds
pretty funny. Richard says bye bye Colby. Kathy is in the middle. She still doesn't know what she's gonna
do. Jeff said the boat sucked. Ethan just wanted a change. Colby says it's different because everybody has
been here before. It was loyalty last time, now it's just game time. It was a busy day there. Somebody is
getting dooped. Kathy wants the powerplayers out. Colby is an ass. Kathy could be the swing vote.
Colby, Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard is done. He's lost his mind, again.