Oooh Leah and Darrell. What the fuck? He's never dated a white girl. That last mission rocked.
Coral says Real World needs to get their shit together. Darrell says Leah is trying to be black. This girl
is so white. Darrell says he doesn't do relationships. David talks about wetting the bed. CT and David
are like brothers. It's a riot. Overall worst plus five minutes. Holy shit. Shane is so cocky.
This handcuff shit sucks. Abram is first and he's flying all over. It takes him 52 seconds. Mike takes 23
seconds. Timmy takes 40. Julie takes 26. Christena gets 24. Kendal takes 35. CT gets 18 seconds.
Coral got 25. That's hella better than Julie. Well, 1 second. Veronica takes 19 seconds. Leah
and Katie call themselves the two whimps. Leah feels like she is gonna puke. Leah starts getting numb. Veronica
curses at her. It takes 12 minutes. It's hilarious. Leah is on the floor like dying. It's horrible.
It reminds me of Coral at the end of last year.
They're giving Leah air and shit. Coral and Darrell are assisting Leah. She's going to the hospital.
That's 17 minutes for her. David gets 40 seconds. Darrell gets 22 seconds. Holly gets 17. Shane takes
20 seconds. Road Rules won because of Leah dying. CT and Holly win ions. Coral goes to visit Leah.
Some doctor dude comes in and Coral wheels her home. CT and David switch clothes. Why? I don't know.
You're eating cookies and milk. No throwing up. This is hilarious. Shane isn't scared. CT steps up.
He uses the ion on David and now Shane is pussy. It's about damn time somebody uses that shit.
It's one cookie and one glass of milk. Ten minutes. Jeez, how ghetto. Shane curses up a storm.
CT uses this as an excuse to cheat on his diet. CT disses Shane. CT has never thrown up. Coral is hilarious.
Round 2 is on the go. Shane pukes after the cookies. How tacky. He hates milk. Well, that's a great
way to lose. Shane says don't let Real World win anymore money. I doubt that will happen. Shane's
cookie crumbled. Leah is in bed and Coral and Darrell are talking to her. He's flirting with some fucking bunny.
Coral leaves because she can't stand the love shit.