Road Rules are Katie hating. Road Rules winning yet again. Coral is about to curse out Julie. YIPPEE!
Katie tells Julie what's wrong. Julie says Coral is doing the same to her. Julie says she's gonna snap.
She's the annoying bitch, not Coral. 10 points for each hit. Hit a special target and you get $1,000 to yourself.
Leah can't participate. No loss for Real World. Darrell got 90 points. Mike got 50 and David got 60.
Christena got 30. CT got 10. Abram got 110. Julie got 20. Kendal got 10. Holly got
0. Coral got 40. She's yelling at the turning shit. Veronica got 10. Katie got shit. Hopefully
Syrus kicks ass. He got 50 point penalty. 8 hits though. Timmy said this is the only time I'll
nail Trishelle. He got 30. 35 point tie at the end. Syrus got 50 points in the overtime. Abram got
50 point penalty. He is fucked big time. Hahahaha, poor Abram.
Abram got 10. Christena goes. Coral goes. This shit is gonna rock. She got 4 again. Christena
got 8. Bullshit. This is so rigged. Coral is pissed because they lost. Two women going to the
inferno. Katie and Veronica volunteer. Leah says she's going no matter what. Julie is bitching.
Coral says "look around bitch, there's only 3 of us." Julie, you're the only one not nominated. CT says Coral
has outperformed Julie. Very evident. Katie takes the Julie plate. Coral is mumbling about Veronica.
Julie is bitching. Julie wants to change the game. Mike says Veronica doesn't do shit. Julie is a
pussy. Coral tells Julie to pick a plate. They pick Veronica. Coral is cursing out Julie. Julie needs
to back the fuck off. Coral leaves the room and goes to Road Rules. How great. They don't know what's going
Julie says she wants to win. Syrus tries to calm Coral down. Coral is begging Veronica to take Julie out.
Veronica says they have a plan. Coral doesn't take credit cards. Julie wants to wrestle Coral. She
wants unity. David passes the message on. Coral would wnat to knock Julie's teeth out of her fucking mouth.
Coral keeps swearing at Julie. CT is holding Julie back. Coral needs to knock that bitch on her ass. Abram
calls her a shmuck. Coral tells Mike that she will have that bitch in a headlock. Coral says her tits can beat
her. Julie is a cunt. Julie keeps bitching. Coral and Julie are gonna throw fists. CT calls Julie
a pussy. She's never been ina fight. That poor little Mormon bitch.