Recap of Colby going and Jerri being giddy. Oooh Chapera winning shit for a change. The spear. RIP Mogo
Mogo. Die Amber and Rob. Rupert is the biggest pain in the ass. Jerri is being happy that Ethan is going.
Ethan begged Kathy to stay. How shameful. Tom is sawing a tree with Rupert. Everybody else is laying on
their ass. He can't say get off your ass and work. Rupert says Mogo Mogo probably actually works. Tom likes
Rupert. Probably because he's a crazy jackass. Tom goes to catch fish after Rupert. He wants just one.
He got one pretty quickly. He was eccstatic when he got it. Jerri is complaing yet again. I'm not surprised.
Kathy is upset there is no dry wood. They get tree mail. Mogo Mogo has green paint. They aren't painting
each other. Chapera, what a surprise, does shit and draw on each other. It didn't say to paint each other.
Some sort of organizing thing. Lex and Rob are pair one. Tom and Jerri. Shii Ann and Rupert. Alicia
and Kathy. Jenna gets stuck with Amber. They all get to share snack lunches. Kathy thought it would be crazy.
Jenna and Amber are relaxed. Shii Ann disses on Jerri. Rupert is happy to get away from her. Tom tells Jerri
to suck it up. Shii Ann talks to Rupert, basically telling him to go and take Rob out. Lex is in Chapera.
Rob is in Mogo Mogo. Tom is in Mogo Mogo. Jerri is in Chapera. Shii Ann is in Chapera. Rupert is in
Mogo Mogo. Kathy is in Chapera. Alicia is in Mogo Mogo. Jenna is in Mogo Mogo. Amber is in Chapera.
It's like the same thing. Just switching camps. This is great. The new Mogo Mogo is pissed off. Amber
and Rob are split up. How great is that?
Amber just wanted to pull Rob's color. Jerri is giddy. Lex is having fun. Shii Ann says it's paradise.
Shii Ann loves this grand camp. They got a welcome to your new home basket. They drink to more fun. Now,
new Mogo Mogo. Alicia says they got the short end of the stick. It's great to see how they got screwed.
Jenna said it's a crap camp. Who stole their shit? They started eating the basket right away. They did get
the screw job, but oh well. Alicia says, let them see how we live and show how much they suck. They grabbed the
toothbrushes and hair shit first. Rob is worried about Amber. What an idiot. He's so egotistical.
He's worried about Amber while he's bitching about the new shit. He doesn't care about the stuff they have, just that
Amber is there. Big fucking deal, get the fuck over it, asshole.
It's time to go for Survivor trivia. Amber wants to win since she knows she's next. Rob says there is gonna
be consequences. He's gonna blow it on purpose. It's so evident. Immunity time. First tribe to 10
correct answers, wins. First question I have no idea. These questions suck. Two to two and all that jazz.
3 to 2, Chapera has it. It's now 3 to 3. Jenna knows this shit without thought. Sean and his ghetto
votes. 5 to 5. The purple stone shit. Now it's 6 to 6. Shii Ann knew something, yay!!! 7 to
7. Lex liked Darrah. 9 to 9. Beef jerky shit. Seven for Mogo Mogo. Six for Chapera. I
think it's bye bye Amber. Rob wants Lex to keep Amber. Boo fucking hoo.
Mogo Mogo calls it a bittersweet win. They drink to Amber staying. Rob is so sad. His ass needs
to get beat down. Kathy says what else is new after the lost. Kathy and Shii want to vote for Amber. Amber
tells Kathy to vote for Jerri. Amber wants, her, Kathy, Rob, Tom and Lex. Lex tells Jerri he loves her.
Jerri tells him that Rob is evil. It's the turning point of the game. Shii, Kathy and Lex have the power
to rid them of either Amber or Jerri. Jerri is a vote, Amber just makes promises. Bullshit promises I bet.
Kathy says it's a 4 star hotel. She loved this. Amber was upset as hell. She was back together the day after
as herself. Shii says trust needs to be built. Jerri and Amber are homegirls. Lex says it ain't over
until it's over. She says she left fighting. Jerri, Amber, Jerri, Jerri. She hugs Amber and Lex. She
says she wants to eat some chocolate.