Mix up of tribe. Amber got screwed. And it wasn't by Rob. Why would you bother keeping Amber? She's
a dumb whore and Rob's free pussy. Lex is kissing ass with Rob. Why bother? You need his ass gone.
They think Amber is gone. Jenna thinks Rob is sad. Good, his ass needsto go. Rob trips on rocks. That
was great. Alicia and Rob want to ally. They promise to never write the other persons name down. Individual
reward. It's a resort deal. Some good shit. You get to take two people along. Shii Ann and Jenna are
out first. Amber and Kathy are out. Rob, Rupert and Lex. They're the final 3. Rupert and Lex are kicking
ass. Rupert wins it. He picks Amber and Jenna. Tom is dancing like a jackass. What else is new?
This challenge was pretty simple and not complicated to understand.
The three of them are excited about this shit. Rupert is excited because it's his first reward ever. Jenna
wanted to be all girly now. They feel good after the massages and all that good shit. Who wouldn't? They
looked great. They believe the five strong deal stands. Why it's a 3 on 3 challenge. Or not, now the helicopter
comes down. It's merge time. They have to find the shit for their new home. Another new tribe name.
Oh what a joy. I can't wait for the immunity challenge to come and bite them on the ass.
They're trying to make up a new name. Lex approaches Rob and Rob is a lying cunt. Rob is kissing Amber's ass.
Amber and Rob think they control the game. They have deals with everybody but Shii Ann. Wouldn't it make sense
to boot her? What idiots. I love Shii, but duh. New solo immunity this time. Men and women in two
sets. They first have to hold their breathe. This shit is gonna be crazy. Two men and two women who
hold it longest move to round 2. Alicia and Jenna are up. Amber and Kathy move on. Rupert is up. Tom
is out. Kathy vs. Amber. 5 to 4. Amber is beating Kathy by a bit. 6 to 6. 7 to 6, Kathy.
Kathy now has 8. Kathy is almost done. Amber is at 7. Kathy wins immunity. Lex and Rob
are crusing with 5 done. 7 to 6, Lex leads. 8 to 7. 9 to 8 for Lex. Rob wins it.
Rob hasn't helped Lex or Kathy. Rob is being a dick. Kathy is crying because her and Lex are being screwed.
Kathy is thinking to give the immunity necklace to Lex. That's just so classy of her. She wants Rob to get his.
Rupert says today was the hardest day. Tomorrow is a new day and the rain falls. Lots of problems at the
tribe. It's divided camp. Kathy changes her mind and keeps immunity. Let's see how the votes fall.
Amber, Amber, Lex, Lex, Lex, Lex, Lex. He's gone. I expect something to happen once they go back home. Big