Coral is so funny. "Maybe we can put more than $4 in our stupid fucking bank
account." Mike says all girls in L. A. are fake except Trishelle. That just makes me laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Time for a good
old fashioned mission. It's called Inferno where they need to climb up a ladder trying to get a cat. What the fuck! Team time
is what it's all based on. Cara and Adam sit out. Norm kills Darrell. This cat shit is funny. Abe beats Irulan. What a shock.
Theo beat Veronica. Rachel beats Coral. Mike beat Dave. Trishelle got killed by Roni. Alton beat LT. LT got DQed. HAHAHAHA.
Theo beat Rachel. Sarah needs to step up again. Nathan wins. Sarah drops her pussy. LT or Sarah is 100% going. Haven't they
both been nominated like 10 times? Sarah's gone twice. Let LT share the wealth.
Real World finally won. Coral is right, they keep losing this shit. Theo
and Alton are safe tonight. Sarah appologizes. People are still hating on her. People keep voting for Veronica. She's doing
good. Darrell is an asshole. Veronica shouldn't go, LT should. Sarah is going to the gauntlet. She admits her mistake. Sarah
wants a time not going. Adam is talking shit before she goes. Cara feels he's an asshole. People confront her. Sarah and Theo
talk. He feels she doesn't need to go all the time. Coral and Trishelle fight. They keep talking shit. Mike votes Coral, yet
again. Trishelle, aka Mike 2, vote for Coral again. OMG, Coral saying they were standing in front of the microwave too long.
Funniest shit ever. Everyone votes Trishelle again. Mike is thinking with his dick again. Rachel is right, he's thinking with
the wrong head. Everybody has Coral's back. If he wants to not vote Trishelle since she's his toy, just say that. He's a leader
who is fucked up in the head.
Another gauntlet. This time not for two new people. Trishelle who has just
went and Sarah who has knocked out David and Matt. Mike and Coral fight. She asks him easy ass questions and has no answers.
He is dumb and blind. Perfect fit again. She won last time. Steve won the first time, lost the second. Please repeat that.
Sarah's Trishelle's good at puzzle comment comes back. Sarah wins, yet again. Trishelle is finally going home! A big middle
finger to Adam. Theo is right, she should take the Gauntlet home with her. Mike is an ass. She needed to go. Trishelel is
just kissing ass. Mike appologizes to the team. Especially Coral. He never noticed how Trishelle was doing. Coral accepts
Mikes appology, no parade though.