Leah dying again. Then plotting of Katie getting gone. Real World winning the mission then Katie's inferno
win. How great. Coral and Leah are at Hooters and talking about CT. Leah says that CT was shit.
CT wants Leah gone because she doesn't do shit. David and CT say the plans. Leah is glad CT's here and he
wants her ass gone. Isn't that great. Katie tells Darrell how she feels. Darrell says how Katie is.
Katie says s he ain't as weak now. She won a gauntlet and now an inferno. What does this bitch have to do to impress
you? Dunking a team in the water. Leah is actually doing this shit. Darrell and Kendal are first.
They take 4:04 to dunk them all. Syrus dunks Veronica first. Then Leah dunks somebody. Leah and Syrus
are sucking ass. Leah says this ain't helping. It looks like you have your weak duo. This sucks for them.
Syrus and Leah get DQed. Timmy and Katie go. Katie screams at Veronica, no more sabatoging. They took
a bit over 10 minutes. CT and David go at it. They take 2:13. Holly and Christena go now.
They take 5:33. Mike and Coral's turn. Mike and Coral hate this mission. They keep falling in the
water. They take a DQ too. Abram and Veronica go now. Leah flipped Abe off. That was great.
Abram and Veronica take like 3:14. Real World had over 9 minutes and Road Rules had over 6 minutes. Road
Rules, what a big fucking surprise. Two guys this time. Darrell and Timmy go. Coral says no CT or Mike.
Coral basically wants David and Syrus to go because they don't want the other two to go. Syrus says fuck no, I ain't
gonna go. Please go home David, you're fucking annoying.
David and Syrus are the only two to not go, so why not? They say don't fuck with Darrell. It'd be easier to
beat Timmy. They want to take David out. Darrell basically calls him a pussy. Timmy and Coral brake
the plates. Katie tells the team that they need to be honest. Real World decides to tell Leah.
Leah says she shouldn't be screwed. CT says Leah hasn't contributed. It's Paris all over again.
CT and Leah fighting yet again. Evil CT is back. They want to throw it but they won't. You need
cash, assholes. Timmy thinks he might lose. Holly would hate Timmy going. Timmy wants the ion.
Leah is upset about CT. Leah tells David that she's pissed at CT. Leah is saying fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
fuck you. Leah thinks everybody but Coral will help David. She wants the ion.