Edward's Online Reality
San Diego: Episode 15
Edward's Playlist

Cameran and Brad relationship.   Who cares about this bitch?   Brad talks about his bathroom experience.  I don't give a flying shit.  Talking about Randy's sex again.  They talk about Brad's sex now.  They then say they can't imagine Jaquese doing anything.  Frankie puts on a wig.  It looks better than usual.  Cameran think Brad dresses sloppy.  Why do you care so much?  You're not fucking him.  More flirting between  Cammy and Brad.  Brad and Randy talk to a girl that's not from the house.  Cameran disses the girls who Brad have been with.  This girl  looks nice.  Cameran calls her loose.   Brad is rubbing on her ass.  Robin doesn't want to go home.   Brad loves this girls car.  Jackie and Brad are really hitting it off.  They decide to take a taxi home.   Cameran has a hissy fit about hating guys.  She doesn't want Brad to bring a boy home.  Now Cameran loves men.  Jaquese is laughing at this game she's playing.  Cameran is jealous of Jackie.   She's gonna flip out on this girl.  The final shot is her pulling a Puck.  What is with t he finger in the peanut butter?

Brad gets changed.  Jackie loved Frankie's wig.  Frankie says Brad chooses dumb girls.  Brad and Jaquese says he's gonna hit that.  They're all making fun of how stupid she is.  They kiss.  Jamie calls her a fucking idiot.  They want him to hit that and get  her out of there.  This girl is a fucking idioy.  Jaquese is trying to watch.  Jackie and Brad are making out on the bed.  They tell Cameran to stop hatin'.  She wants to have fun.  They say if that dumb girl shows her face, Cammy is gonna call her a dumb bitch.  Jamie calls Cameran jealous.  Cameran then calls Jackie trash.  Let this girl do whatever the fuck she wants.  Frankie says Cameran feels rejected.    He gets ass, and you're just jealous it ain't you in there.   Cameran calls Brad discusting.   They're all there laughing.  She says she's never had an orgasm from a guy.  Then she's only done one guy.  What a dumb bitch.  I wish somebody would slap this bitch up.  She walks out the room because she's being stupid.

Cameran tells Robin they had sex last night.  Brad doesn't want a relationship.  He just wanted her because he's missing women.  Cameran is a jealous bitch.  Robin says Brad's an idiot if he didn't realize Cameran had a crush on him.  Brad said she was smart when she wasn't drunk they had good conversation, but when she was drunk she was an idiot.  Everybody wants to use the car at the same time.  Cameran, Frankie and Jamie run out of the house with the keys and take the car.  Jamie is like do I have to be stupid to get a guy.   Randy calls the girls.  They plan to keep the car until 6pm.  HE's pissed yet he keeps it hidden.  Brad is like what the fuck is going on.  Cameran is on some trampoline.   Cameran went from loving Brad to hating him.  Brad doesn't want to call that girl back.  Now Cameran is disgusted by him.  That's such bullshit.  Cameran is hiding behind her fake ass.  Brad says she was cool sober, Jaquese says she was never sober.  Cameran keeps on hating.  She has problems with men.   That's her deal.  Brad believes in fate.  What a dumbass excuse.  Cameran calls Brad immature.  This bitch is worse.  Now she makes her fucking pouty faces.