Shii Ann talking about them voting her out. Rupert winning the reward. Alicia being a pissy little girl.
Rupert was kissing ass. Shii Ann winning immunity was great. This is great, Shii Ann calling all of those idiots
stupid. It's a good day and Shii Ann says it's a beautiful day. Shii Ann hates that nobody likes her or wants
to be friends or whatever. Jenna is being a big old bitch. Shii Ann calls her a bossy bitch. Please, make
her stop talking. Rupert brings home many fish. He goes and cleans fish alone. Jenna is bitching about the
fish. She bitches about cooking. Rupert is saying she's being a pain in the ass. Shii-Devil is coming out.
It's the family challenge. Amber's mom comes in. Rob's brother joins in. Fucking dick. Shii Ann's
mom comes in. Tom's son is there. Oh my fucking god, what a dumb hick. Jenna's brother. Jeez, he looks
nothing like her. Rupert's wife is there as well. Oh no, not eating shit. The family is eating the stuff.
How lucky they are. Jenna's brother is in. Shii's mom. They get it down quick. Amber's mom is gone.
Shii's mom is out second. Oh not the shitty fish. Rupert's wife is out now. Cooked spiders. Jeez,
fuck that. Jenna's brother is an idiot and gets DQed. Fuck that. Live grubs is bullshit. Tom's son
wins this shit. Okay, they're both drunk asshole. Tom picks Boston Rob to go and spend a day at the new Chapera.
These people wanted Rupert, how stupid is Tom?
The island is pimped out. They have pizza and beer. Tom didn't pick Rupert because of the lip lock. Tom
hates on the four people. They like break the swing. What a bunch of drunk assholes. Rob's brother is crazy.
Tom's son is a jackass like his dad. Tom tells his son that he trusts Rob. Rob says it's him and Amber all the
way to the bank. What a bunch of fucking idiots. The boat comes back with the family. They made them work
when they got home. Tom and his son get the wood. Tom wants his son to go spear fishing. Rupert didn't trust
him with it. Then he lost the spear head. Rob calls his son a bigger dumbass then his dad. These family
people are fucking nuts.
They get a bucket with their tree mail. It's immunity time. They need to make fire. Shii thinks she's
next if she has no immunity. They need to make a fire then fill a bucket with water. It needs to light a fuse
at the end. Jeez, what is this fucking thing? Rupert gets fire first. Rupert is going for water. Tom
now has fire. Rob now has fire. Jenna has fire. Shii has a fire. Rob's bucket is up. The fire
isn't strong enough. Rob's fire is out. Tom has no fire. Nobody has fire. Rob has one match left.
Rob quits. Amber is out of matches too. Rupert has no more matches. Tom has another flame. Jenna is
done with matches. Tom has a big fire. Shii Ann now has fire. Tom gets it up. Are Jenna, Rob and Amber
worried? I believe so.
Tom is doing his fucking crazy ass dance. Shii Ann and Tom want Jenna gone. That's 2 votes. Rupert wants
Jenna kinda gone. Amber is willing to thing about voting Jenna out. Jenna is very pissy. Shii then asks
Rob. Rob already pissed 3 people off that are on the jury, take out Jenna. Jenna says Rupert and Tom are working.
Jenna says she's getting plantains. Rob tries to fish. Rupert is a productive fisherman. Amber says everybody
is fucking paranoid. It's ripping everything apart. Rupert got pissed at Jenna. Jenna just keeps talking
shit. Jenna is a crazy bitch. Shii Ann says let the people do whatever they want. She says Rupert earned
it. Shii is saying that she wants the unpredictable to happen. Tom is keeping his immunity. Shii, Shii,
Amber, Shii and Shii.