Rupert and Jenna fighting. The good ole family reward challenge. Fuck Tom and his dumb son. Rob doesn't
need his damn brother. Tom winning immunity. Shii Ann begging for them to boot Jenna. Great to see her on
the jury. It's raining a lot in Chaboga Mogo land. Rupert says they all smell like ass and it's getting harder
day by day. Well, he did get booted early on the merge. Rob is cranky. What the fuck else is new?
Tom, just shut the fuck up. He's talking out of his ass. It sounds like just noises and no words. Jenna
and Rupert get coconuts. Jenna is a dumb cunt. They talk shit about Rob. He was right behind Rupert.
Then Jenna says, Tom has to go. Amber thought it was set up so that the four of them are the final four. Rupert
and Jenna want him gone, then probably her next. What a smart bitch. Time for a reward. An elimintation
game. It's like past challenges combined. They win a truck if they win. Nice shit. They get to go
to the Survivor Drive-In movie. What nice shit. They get on the balance beam. Rob finishs first. Jenna
and Tom are over. Amber then makes it and Rupert is gone. A crawl and cut thing. Rob gets to the puzzle
first. Jenna, Tom and Amber are out next. Rob moves on. Amber is second. Tom gets it. Jenna
is now out. It's a toss into the basket. Amber has one. Amber now has two in. Amber gets her third.
Rob gets his first. Rob gets his second while Tom keeps missing. Rob gets three in. Amber vs. Rob in the
final thing. Rob gets up the ladder first. Amber and Rob get across the walking ladder. Rob gets the key
when Amber crosses. Rob wins the truck. Amber and Rob at the movies. What a big fucking shock. Rob,
Jeff and Amber go for a ride.
Rob doesn't care about the car winner not winning Survivor. He said it was worth it. Amber gets a car for being
selected. Holy shit, this bitch is crazy. They were watching Lord Of The Flies and they're sitting on the truck.
They're cuddling and shit. Rupert just wants a little something. Amber goes and gives her a car. Why would
you tell them? That's fucking bragging. You're a dumb bitch. They divided their candy into 5. They
just fucking had candy. Rupert just doesn't want either of them to win the money at the end. They don't
need it nor deserve it. Fucking annoying ass Rob and Amber.
Rupert goes to do the wood. Then he goes to fish. Amber and Rob do shit. Tom and Rupert get the wood.
Jenna cooks. Rupert tells Tom to split the couple apart. Rob is walking around like a dumb fuck. Rob starts
shit talking. Rupert and Tom in a fight is what Rob wants. Tom is getting pissed. He's starting dumb little
tattletail shit. Rupert knows it was a ploy according to Rob. Rupert is calling Tom out. He's a drunk jackass
and hopefully he goes. Immunity challenge time. They need to do a word search of every tribe. Amber and
Jenna and Rob are kicking Rupert and Tom's ass. Amber has 11, Rob has 10, Jenna has 10 and Rupert and Tom have 9.
Amber is doing great. Amber has all the words first. Tom and Rob have 15 while Rupert and Jenna have 13.
Tom and Rob close in on Amber. Rob has all 17 and then wins immunity. What a fucker. It's so easy.
Vote off Amber you assholes.
They say Rob put a hex on the immunity. He says he has power. Tom wants to kiss ass. He is a swing vote.
Tom talking shit. He wants Jenna gone. The alliance has been tight since day 12. Jenna thinks some shit
is gonna go down. Tom is an idiot. Rob is calling his ass out. Now they're saying they want Jenna out.
Amber tastes the money. Bitch, you ain't gonna win. Shii Ann looks great on that jury. Shii and Kathy have
a little chat. Amber says today is a stressful day. They don't care about sleep or food. They all want the
money. Amber is voting with her gut. Tom says, if he's screwed, he'll be on the jury. Jenna says she'd be
upset if she went. Time to vote. Jenna, Tom, Tom, Tom. Bye bye drunk bastard.