Let us recap this year. Why is Damien hosting? All these haters and fuckers.
Abram, Katie, Shane, Veronica, Darrell, Timmy, Holly, Christena, Kendal and Jeremy. What a Road Rules team.. Coral, Julie,
Syrus, Trishelle, Mike, David, Leah, CT, Ace and Mallory. Aren't they almost all gone. Day 1 in Mexico everybody getting along
and everybody's there. Challenge 1 time. They tell Julie to throw Veronica down. Julie is trying to pull Veronica's safety.
What a fucking crazy bitch. Road Rules won a mission, what a surprise. Timmy and Jeremy step up. Real World vote is gone crazy.
Ace and Syrus. Jeremy and Syrus get picked. Now the cock races. This shit was nasty. Everybody is puking and shit. Darrell
and Syrus win ions. Syrus picks Ace as his replacement. Seems awfully familiar. Ace and Jeremy's bug helmet. Putting syrup
on their heads. Yummy. Ace is out in 11 seconds. Coral says he was a fucking baby. It was so clear. Fucking stupid ass.
They show the club. Mike and Trishelle just broke up. Mike's making out with
Christena or some shit. She says she's gonna kick his ass. Coral and Trishelle have a shuffle. She says she's gonna kick Coral's
ass. Yellowcard performs while the teams destroy make up hotel rooms. It's now 2 to 1, Road Rules. Now everybody is voting
for Trishelle because she is a hater. As well as Leah. Katie and Holly step up. Trishelle vs. Holly with neither getting a
lifesaver. Trishelle blames Coral for making her ass go to the Inferno. The fucking Chili's. I'm gonna shit out some hot shit
if I ate all that. Coral tells Trishelle to eat the fucking peppers. Holly kills Trishelle. The Disco Domino Derby. This shit
was crazy. Especially how Road Rules looks. There's gets stopped and Real World kills them. Mike and David volunteer. Abram
and Jeremy go up this time. It's Jeremy vs. Mike and neither win a lifesaver. Mike's big ass arms could screw him. Jeremy
is puny. Jeremy is done. He's pissed to fuck. Like he should be.
Fuck the Saturn Road Trip. That shitty ass mission. Using Syrus's head as
a stepping stone. That shit was nuts. Julie doesn't see the rope. What a blind fucking bitch. Coral steps up. Mallory steps
up. Christena and Katie are nominated. Christena vs. Mallory. Christena tells Mallory she has to go home. Not the damn Don't
Yank My Chain. This is like the Survivor thing. Katie wants to outlast Christena. Christena is dumped out. It's the homegirl
battles. Not the shitty sounds. I wanna slap the shit out of somebody. The sounds and block. Mallory falls off the block.
There goes half of Paris. Christena is upset she left. Darrell and Leah are hooking up. I bet he hit that. David acts like
a jackass. He sits on his ass while everybody sells the items. Road Rules wins for a change. David and CT are nominated as
well as Abram and Shane. Shane and David are picked. David said he would rather have knee surgery. Now the dumbass bungee.
David has a shitty time so CT wins it. Katie and Leah are up in the air and nervous as fuck. Veronica is cursing her out.
Katie jumps at like 10:30. Leah faints and Real World is fucked. Road Rules wins this in a crappy way. David doesn't want
to eat anything. David doesn't want to do this shit. Shane isn't worried. Shane is scared of CT though. Shane pukes out yellow
shit. That's disgusting. Kendal is so upset. Shane's cookie crumbled. Holy shit, we've lost 5 people.
Road Rules strategy talk. Katie always staying around and not doing shit.
Veronica and Katien step up. Leah goes up because of her panic attack. Julie doesn't want to go. They all agree it should
be her. Road Rules picks Julie. Julie is scared of Veronica. Veronica gets picked. Now it's Julie and Coral time. Coral starts
dropping a bunch of f-bombs. Now Julie wants to wrestle. Coral wants to beat this bitch out. Julie couldn't take her out.
What a dumb cunt. Time to sabotage to send Katie. Veronica goes first to try for the best time so Katie can go. Abram makes
a big joke about the whole thing. Julie's turn and she does crappy. Katie wants the lifesaver to fuck over Veronica. The flag
drop screws Katie over. Katie is crying because they make it a joke. The itching powder shit. Katie vs. Julie on a treadmill.
Coral wants Katie to win and Veronica wants Julie to win. Katie curses Julie out. She's a fucking dumb bitch. I wanna slap
the shit out of Julie. Now we're jumping rope and Julie fucks up. Coral is laughing because Katie beats Julie. Katie doesn't
give a fuck about her team. That's grand.
CT from the past is back. Leah is glad he's there while he wants her gone.
CT is hating on Leah. Her and Syrus alone with Mike and Coral get DQed. Timmy and Darrell are picked and David and Syrus.
Timmy and David are picked. Both teams doen't want them. Leah and CT fight over her staying. Road Rules wants to throw the
mission. Put Katie in and have Timmy get the ion. This mission hurts. David gets 10:01. Leah hits a car, that's great. Timmy
has a nice time. Kendal has no idea and ends up beating Timmy. What a dumb cunt. Abram says he was screwing somebody over
and he gets screwed. David and Kendal win ions. Mike tells her not to go. She's a dumb bitch. She says one thing and does
another. That dumb whore goes into the inferno. Leah vs. Kendal. Mike is pissed and goes off on Kendal. Moving bricks is crazy.
Mike hates on Kendal. He is drunk as fuck. Katie and Veronica start screaming. CT and Leah start cursing each other out. CT
is being a moron. Leah goes home. They made up. It's girls and only Coral is there. Katie and Veronica are up. Coral doesn't
want Veronica in. The team picks Veronica though. Katie wants the lifesaver as do Coral and Veronica. $110K to $40K. Katie
loses by a few seconds to Veronica. Coral picks up the ion as well. She debates who to send.