It's time for the final challenge. The seven fucking deadly
sins. This shit is hilarious. I couldn't remember it all. They're all handcuffed together and have to go
through tires. Syrus has bad knees, so he's worried. Mike is heading Real World, smart move. Darrell is
heading Road Rules. Real World and Road Rules are close early. Real World limbo's quickly. They're all breaking
the shit. Real World's cuffs break while Road Rules finds their key. Road Rules has moved on. Katie is a
vegetarian and hates this shit. They're all puking. Coral says this is irony. Syrus finds the key.
Few Road Rulers are finishing eating. Road Rules finishes first. Road Rules is passing the blocks along.
Coral hates the food. They probably taste like ass. Mike says Coral's big mouth helped her. Here Real World
comes to the blocks. Road Rules is starting to get worried.
This shit is great. Real World decides to do like 3 at a time.
Road Rules finishes first. Real World is now tied up. They decide not to grab bags. Real World passes Road
Rules. Real World starts the crossword, while Road Rules does shit. Road Rules starts the crossword. Coral
hates this shit and is cursing at it. They all hate the puzzle. Real World only has 2 correct. Boy do they
suck at this shit.
Real World got another fucking one. Katie knew Trishelle.
Holy shit. Road Rules has 9. Road Rules finishes the puzzle. Mike is pissed because they're done.
Road Rules fucking wins. Katie is now glad that they just won. Coral gives Road Rules their props. Kendal
fills out the big ass check with Road Rules. They each win a fucking car. Now let us look back at all the shit
that has happened. Coral cursing Julie out. Veronica and Katie dropping a bunch of f-bombs. Julie trying
to kill Veronica. Kendal and Mike being all cute. Darrell and Leah grinding. Syrus says he wants to do one
thing, but his body wants to do another. Katie says she has been drained. She beat Julie and David's ass.
Veronica said Katie did good shit. Christena is so proud of her fellow Roadies.