This year, Real World battles Road Rules in Colorado.
Real World: Norman [New York], Elka [Boston], Montana [Boston], Nathan [Seattle], David
[New Orleans], Matt [New Orleans], Coral [Back To New York], Mike [Back To New York], Rachel [Back To New York], Theo [Chicago],
Tonya [Chicago], Alton [Las Vegas], Irulan [Las Vegas] and Trishelle [Las Vegas].
Road Rules: Roni [Northern Trail], Veronica [Semester At Sea], Latterian [Maximum Velocity],
Theo [Maximum Velocity], Adam [The Quest], Katie [The Quest], Steve [The Quest], Darrell [Campus Crawl], Rachel [Campus Crawl],
Sarah [Campus Crawl], Abram [South Seas], Cara [South Seas], Dave [South Seas] and Tina [South Seas]