Big Brother will be divided by weeks instead of episodes.
A week begins with a HoH and ends with an eviction.
BB5 Spoilers
Week 01: Food and Head of Household
Week 01: Luxury and Nominations
Week 01: Power of Veto
Week 02: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 02: Food and Nominations
Week 02: Power of Veto
Week 03: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 03: Food and Nominations
Week 03: Power of Veto
Week 04: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 04: Head of Household and Nominations
Week 04: Power of Veto
Week 05: Eviction, Twist and Head of Household
Week 05: Food and Nominations
Week 05: Power of Veto
Week 06: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 06: Food and Nominations
Week 06: Power of Veto and Luxury
Week 07: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 07: Food and Nominations
Week 07: Power of Veto and Luxury
Week 08: America's Choice, Eviction and Head of Household
Week 08: Nominations, America's Choice and Power of Veto
Week 09: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 09: Nominations, Power of Veto, Eviction and Head of Household
Week 09: Nominees and Power of Veto
Week 10: Eviction and Head of Household
Week 10: Nominations and Luxury
Week 10: Power of Veto, Eviction and Head of Household
Week 11: Head of Household and Eviction
Week 11: FINAL VOTE!!!!